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And, Mr. Sullivan, what does your model say that, that means for us here.
Well, that's where it becomes a projection.
You're speaking with me, Mr. Sullivan.
Well, sir, if those assets decrease by just 25%
and remain on our books,
that loss would be greater than the current market capitalization
of this entire company.
So, what you're telling me
is that the music is about to stop
and we're gonna be left holding the biggest bag of odorous excrement
ever assembled in the history of capitalism.
Sir, I'm not sure that I would put it that way. But let me clarify.
Using your analogy, what this model shows
is the music, so to speak, just slowing.
If the music were to stop, as you put it,
then this model wouldn't be even close to that scenario.
It would be considerably worse.
Let me tell you something, Mr. Sullivan.
Do you care to know
Why I'm in this chair with you all? I mean, why I earn the big bucks?
I'm here for one reason and one reason alone.
I'm here to guess what the music might do a week, a month,
a year from now.
That's it. Nothing more.
And standing here tonight,
I'm afraid that I don't hear a thing.
Just silence.
would - voluto
where - dove
using - utilizzando
those - quelli
decrease - diminuire
books - libri
reason - ragionare
gonna - andando
tonight - stasera
speak - parlare
clarify - chiarire
excrement - escrementi
considerably - considerevolmente
capitalism - capitalismo
assets - risorse
odorous - odoroso
telling - raccontare
capitalization - capitalizzazione
entire - intero
assembled - assemblato
might - potrebbe
becomes - diventa
chair - sedia
afraid - impaurito
scenario - scenario
speaking - a proposito di
current - attuale
biggest - maggiore
analogy - analogia
about - di
slowing - rallentando
company - azienda
means - si intende
alone - da solo
bucks - dollari
something - qualcosa
greater - maggiore
guess - indovina
thing - cosa
nothing - niente
history - storia
holding - detenzione
close - vicino
market - mercato
shows - Spettacoli
worse - peggio
sullivan - sullivan
model - modello
month - mese
standing - in piedi
projection - proiezione
remain - rimanere
music - musica
silence - silenzio
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