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There Was a Crooked Man - Being a Leader of Men (It)

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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    Pitman, this afternoon, why'd you do that?

    Just wanted to see if I could.

    I ask you in here to say thanks, and you smart-mouth me.

    Oh, is that why you asked me here?

    I'm gonna tell you something.

    It doesn't make a damn bit of sense to me, but those men look up to you.

    What does that mean to you?

    Oh, maybe an extra cup of coffee, a few cigarettes.

    Don't you give a damn what you mean to them? What you can do for them?

    So long, warden.

    I'll see you around the yard.

    Why do you work at it so hard, proving to yourself you're a son of a bitch?

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