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Thanks, Doze.
No, no, no. I gotta do this alone. Have a good day.
Hey, kid, take off your mask!
All right.
Well, welcome back, ninth graders.
Now, we have two new students with us in homeroom this year.
First, we have Miss Nancy Lawrence. Where are you, Nancy?
Where are you, Nancy? - Hi, Nancy.
Wow! Thanks a lot.
Our other new student is Mr. Rocky Dennis,
also in the back.
Wow. Thanks a lot.
See you later.
Dempsey, Eric. Locker number 137.
Combination: right 46, left past 46 to 16, right to four.
Got it all? Mm-hmm.
Dennis, Rocky. Locker number 138.
Combination: left 22,
right past 22 to 12, left to nine.
You're not writing it down. - Don't need to.
He looks like Frankenstein.
Hey, what's the matter?
Haven't you guys ever seen anybody from the planet Vultern before?
Beep, beep-beep. Beep, beep-beep.
That guy's weird, man. - Cut it out, guys.
writing - scrittura
welcome - benvenuto
weird - strano
vultern - vultern
thanks - grazie
students - studenti
graders - livellatrici
frankenstein - frankenstein
dennis - dennis
before - prima
anybody - nessuno
alone - da solo
combination - combinazione
lawrence - lawrence
where - dove
homeroom - homeroom
later - dopo
rocky - roccioso
locker - armadietto
looks - sembra
matter - importa
nancy - nancy
student - alunno
first - primo
ninth - nono
dempsey - Dempsey
gotta - devo
number - numero
other - altro
right - destra
planet - pianeta
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