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So who's my next victim? You?
I haven't played table tennis
in quite a while.
Would you like to play
for a thousand pounds a game?
What did I walk into?
What did I walk into?
It's like this.
- May I?
- Please.
You have to lean in,
and hit through the ball.
I was doing just fine
until you showed up.
Story of my life.
So, tell me,
what's a beautiful, young,
American Ping-Pong player doing mingling
the British upper class?
Did anyone ever tell you,
you play a very aggressive game?
Did anyone ever tell you
you've very sensual lips?
- Extremely aggressive.
- I'm naturally competitive.
Is it off-putting?
I'll have to think
about that for a while.
There you are.
I wanted to introduce you
to Chris Wilton.
Chris Wilton,
this is Nola Rice, my fiance.
So, you're the tennis pro.
My pleasure.
He was trying to have
his way with me over the table.
Oh, really? Yeah, well,
you'd better watch out for this one.
He's made a living out of hustling.
I'll be ready for you next time.
- I'll see you outside.
- Oh, yeah.
She's quite something, isn't she?
young - giovane
would - voluto
wilton - wilton
played - giocato
outside - al di fuori
table - tavolo
trying - provare
hustling - spacciare
amongst - tra
fiance - fidanzato
living - vita
doing - fare
wanted - ricercato
story - storia
aggressive - aggressivo
class - classe
until - fino a
naturally - naturalmente
upper - superiore
american - americano
competitive - competitivo
about - di
beautiful - bellissimo
chris - chris
better - meglio
please - per favore
pleasure - piacere
sensual - sensuale
through - attraverso
extremely - estremamente
pounds - sterline
putting - mettendo
quite - abbastanza
player - giocatore
ready - pronto
introduce - introdurre
really - veramente
showed - ha mostrato
victim - vittima
think - pensare
something - qualcosa
watch - orologio
mingling - commistione
tennis - tennis
there - là
british - britannico
thousand - mille
anyone - chiunque
while - mentre
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