Impara il vero inglese da film e libri.
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Hey, white boy!
Why don't you make me
a tulip 'fore I have Doopie come down
there and eat your face?
But no, for real.
Can you make me a tulip?
Oh, my God!
Am I on set right now?
Oh, my God!
I can't take it!
Action! Cut!
Madison, why are you here?
Rachel said that
I could find you here...
...and your phone was going
straight to voice mail.
Probably 'cause there ain't
no good service down there!
But I-I had to get here
'cause I had to let you know.
So, I was visiting Rachel,
and I was giving her a card...
...and she was watching
one of your secret movies.
Oh, my God.
Wait, did you see any of it?
No! No, she turned it
off immediately.
It was good, it was good.
You know,
you're both Japanese, and...
...Earl beheaded you, and, but
then, she, like, turned it off.
But I had a brainstorm. Okay?
I had an amazing brainstorm.
I realized... you need to
make a film for Rachel.
What do you think?
It would be like her favorite
thing in the entire world...
...and it's like the most
important thing you could do.
You have to do it.
Yeah, word.
"Word"? Like, word,
you'll do it, word?
Oh, my God, awesome!
Okay, well,
I can't wait to see it.
Okay, I gotta go, but...
Cut! That's a wrap! Rolling!
white - bianca
voice - voce
turned - trasformato
tulip - tulipano
watching - guardando
think - pensare
thing - cosa
there - là
straight - dritto
secret - segreto
rolling - rotolamento
entire - intero
madison - madison
doopie - doopie
action - azione
favorite - favorito
giving - dando
could - poteva
brainstorm - brainstorming
awesome - eccezionale
beheaded - decapitato
phone - telefono
movies - film
rachel - rachel
going - andando
japanese - [object Object]
amazing - stupefacente
gotta - devo
would - voluto
visiting - visitare
immediately - subito
world - mondo
important - importante
probably - probabilmente
service - servizio
realized - realizzato
right - destra
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