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All right,
who's she working for?
She claims to be
working alone.
A random civilian
simply waltzes in
off the high street.
I don't think so.
Neuralyze her.
No, no, no. Don't.
I know what that thing is.
Hang on. Hang on.
She had
an experience.
It erased my parents' memories,
but it didn't take mine.
So my whole life,
everyone's called me crazy.
They said that
I needed therapy,
which, okay,
admittedly, I did,
but not for this.
Did she really hack
into the Hubble Telescope
to look at Andromeda II,
and we didn't catch her?
In the old days,
we'd have hired her.
It took me 20 years to find you,
plus or minus.
How many people
can say that?
I found you.
So you found us.
You proved you're not crazy.
You win the I'm Not Crazy
badge. Now what?
- I want in.
- We don't hire. We recruit.
Then I'd like
to be recruited.
I'm going to need more.
But would you mind giving me
one good reason?
Because I'm smart.
I'm motivated.
I look good in black.
I'm... - Boring me!
Because I have absolutely
no life whatsoever.
I have nothing.
I have no dog, no cat,
definitely no chill.
I have nothing that I couldn't
happily walk away from,
which makes me
perfect for this job.
Well, you're certainly
suitably tragic.
No love?
No relationships?
They just distract you from
what's important.
Hm, really?
And what's important?
The truth
of the universe.
I wanna know everything.
I wanna know
how it all works.
You really think
a black suit
is going to solve
all your problems?
Mmm... No,
but it looks damn good on you.
That's true.
From this moment,
you will conform to the
identity we give you.
You will dress only
in MIB Special Services attire.
You have been trained
in the use
of MIB-sanctioned technology,
vehicles and weaponry.
You will not
stand out in any way.
You are no longer
part of the system.
You do not exist.
Check, please.
years - anni
would - voluto
weaponry - armi
vehicles - veicoli
universe - universo
tragic - tragico
telescope - telescopio
technology - tecnologia
which - quale
think - pensare
suitably - opportunamente
street - strada
stand - stare in piedi
truth - verità
special - speciale
sanctioned - sanzionato
trained - allenato
relationships - relazioni
waltzes - valzer
recruited - reclutato
recruit - reclutare
reason - ragionare
really - veramente
wanna - voglio
proved - dimostrato
definitely - decisamente
absolutely - assolutamente
dress - vestito
crazy - pazzo
boring - noioso
system - sistema
conform - conformarsi
hired - assunti
smart - inteligente
civilian - civile
right - destra
certainly - certamente
chill - freddo
services - servizi
important - importante
working - lavoro
looks - sembra
andromeda - andromeda
alone - da solo
claims - reclami
admittedly - per ammissione
works - lavori
please - per favore
erased - cancellati
motivated - motivata
distract - distrarre
experience - esperienza
catch - catturare
random - casuale
people - persone
badge - distintivo
check - dai un'occhiata
black - nero
going - andando
hubble - Hubble
because - perché
everything - qualunque cosa
exist - esistere
longer - più a lungo
minus - meno
makes - fa
called - chiamato
neuralyze - neuralyze
found - trovato
giving - dando
whole - totale
therapy - terapia
attire - abbigliamento
needed - necessaria
happily - felicemente
identity - identità
simply - semplicemente
problems - i problemi
memories - ricordi
moment - momento
thing - cosa
solve - risolvere
nothing - niente
whatsoever - qualsiasi
perfect - perfezionare
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