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That has been my life.
Every good thing has been a trick.
Until you.
Yet I am afraid to take your hand.
What if you cannot or will not save me?
I can bear to be maltreated by the greedy or the weak...
But to be let down... By an angel...
I am not an angel.
I live as far from that lofty perch as any man.
My temper alone, my impatience, well...
Perhaps I should not list all my faults, in case I am too persuasive.
You are the one who is so admirably able and strong.
I am tired of being strong.
As am I.
Weakness is tiring, but strength is exhausting.
You see, I cannot save you...
For I need saving, too.
What are you proposing?
Only this...
That we save ourselves together.
Nicholas, please. Think of the others. People might see.
I don't care. I don't care.
together - insieme
tiring - faticoso
weakness - debolezza
trick - trucco
tired - stanco
temper - temperare
strong - forte
strength - forza
proposing - proponendo
until - fino a
saving - salvataggio
others - altri
thing - cosa
admirably - mirabilmente
should - dovrebbero
every - dejte pozor
perch - pertica
afraid - impaurito
people - persone
think - pensare
alone - da solo
exhausting - estenuante
being - essere
perhaps - forse
faults - difetti
angel - angelo
impatience - impazienza
cannot - non può
ourselves - noi stessi
lofty - elevato
persuasive - persuasivo
please - per favore
greedy - avido
maltreated - maltrattato
might - potrebbe
nicholas - nicholas
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