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Well, take this away from me
before I get used to it.
There is one rule
every Israeli politician learns
in the beginning of his career.
You cannot wear a suit that costs
more than an ordinary man's car.
But what if you didn't know
what it costs?
I do. It's too late.
Israelis don't like to see
their representative enjoying themselves.
I'm sorry for wasting your time.
- At least take the shoes.
- No, enough. I don't want them.
Let me buy you the shoes.
It would be my privilege
to buy you these shoes.
- Please...
- If it makes an Israeli leader feel good,
it's the least that I can do.
- I can't...
- No. No. Come on.
Just put them on one more time.
Would you do that?
Put your feet in.
Before you say no, just...
We'll take them.
I don't want you
walking out of here empty-handed.
- Here.
- No, no, no. I can't let you pay.
- If I take the shoes, I have to pay for it.
- You don't have to. It's done.
It's done. Okay?
- Are you sure?
- I'm sure. Yes. Positive.
Mr. Oppenheimer?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Please.
Is everything okay?
Yeah. Yes, everything is terrific.
would - voluto
these - queste
themselves - loro stessi
their - loro
sorry - scusa
shoes - scarpe
representative - rappresentante
every - dejte pozor
politician - politico
wasting - sprecare
enough - abbastanza
walking - a passeggio
empty - vuoto
beginning - inizio
career - carriera
enjoying - godendo
cannot - non può
makes - fa
ordinary - ordinario
oppenheimer - Oppenheimer
everything - qualunque cosa
handed - consegnato
privilege - privilegio
positive - positivo
there - là
israeli - israeliano
before - prima
israelis - israeliani
leader - capo
terrific - terribile
learns - impara
least - meno
costs - costi
please - per favore
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