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I'll just... fire away then, shall I? Right.
The film's great, and, um,
I just was wondering whether...
you ever thought of having, um, more, uh, horses in it.
Well, we would have liked to,
but it was, um, difficult, obviously, being set in space.
Space, right, yeah. Yeah, obviously very difficult.
I'm so sorry. I... I arrived outside.
They thrust this thing into my hand... I didn't...
No, it's my fault. I thought this would all be over by now.
I just wanted to sort of apologize for the kissing thing.
I seriously don't know what came over me.
And I just wanted to make sure that you were fine about it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Absolutely fine.
Do remember that Miss Scott is also keen to talk about her next project...
which is, um, shooting later in the summer.
Ah, yes, excellent. Excellent.
Any horses in that one ?
Or hounds for that matter. Our readers are equally intrigued by both species.
It takes place on a submarine.
Oh. Well, bad luck.
But, um, if there were horses in it,
would you be riding them...
or would you be getting, a... a stunt-horse-double-man-thing ?
I-I'm a complete moron. I apologize. I--
This is very weird. It's the sort of thing that happens in, in dreams,
not in real life.
I mean, good dreams. It's a--
It's a dream, in fact, to... to see you again.
What happens next in the dream ?
I suppose in the dream, dream scenario... I just, uh,
change my personality, because you can do that in dreams and...
walk over and, uh, kiss the girl. But...
Time's up, I'm afraid. Did you get what you wanted?
would - voluto
wondering - chiedendosi
which - quale
wanted - ricercato
thrust - spinta
thought - pensato
there - là
takes - prende
suppose - supporre
summer - estate
stunt - acrobazia
having - avendo
remember - ricorda
happens - accade
great - grande
riding - equitazione
getting - ottenere
horse - cavallo
shall - deve
equally - ugualmente
about - di
dreams - sogni
difficult - difficile
obviously - ovviamente
again - ancora
apologize - scusarsi
excellent - eccellente
change - modificare
project - progetto
because - perché
thing - cosa
being - essere
kissing - baci
species - specie
double - raddoppiare
shooting - tiro
later - dopo
sorry - scusa
moron - deficiente
afraid - impaurito
scenario - scenario
horses - cavalli
weird - strano
complete - completare
dream - sognare
outside - al di fuori
hounds - cani
whether - se
intrigued - incuriosito
arrived - arrivato
scott - scott
absolutely - assolutamente
matter - importa
fault - colpa
liked - è piaciuto
personality - personalità
place - posto
submarine - sottomarino
readers - lettori
right - destra
seriously - sul serio
space - spazio
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