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You run a nice operation here, Doc, nice and tight.
- The way we like it. - I bet you do.
Not right now, Sally.
No smoking in here. We have extremely flammable gas.
Don't we all.
He's gone.
- Pat, who's up next? - Andrew Payne at 11:30.
Well, give him a call and ask him to take his time coming in.
- So, how can I help you? - I'm gonna need your teeth.
- Sorry? - Teeth.
I need a set of impressions.
- What for? - It's just routine.
It doesn't sound very routine to me.
Are you a forensic pathologist?
We have a perfectly good set of impressions already made.
- You can use those. - Sorry. I need a new set.
Look, I don't want to offend you, but I have a practice to run here.
I understand, Doctor. I do. But all the same, I need a new set.
So, do you want to get one of your people to do it or should I?.
- Can I leave for three minutes? - Suit yourself.
Would you consider yourself a biter?
Like to bite or chew things?
Mind if I ask you a personal question?
Is it possible that you have any peccadillos...
let's say, that you might want to tell me about?
Peccadillos. Little sins.
Maybe that's all I was guilty of.
And all I had to do was straighten everything out once and for all.
tight - stretto
three - tre
things - cose
teeth - denti
straighten - raddrizzare
should - dovrebbero
sally - sortita
routine - routine
right - destra
practice - pratica
would - voluto
understand - capire
possible - possibile
personal - personale
payne - payne
sound - suono
doctor - medico
those - quelli
consider - prendere in considerazione
leave - partire
question - domanda
might - potrebbe
yourself - te stesso
everything - qualunque cosa
perfectly - perfettamente
andrew - andrea
flammable - infiammabile
about - di
smoking - fumo
peccadillos - peccatucci
extremely - estremamente
coming - venuta
already - già
guilty - colpevole
forensic - legale
gonna - andando
impressions - impressioni
sorry - scusa
maybe - può essere
minutes - minuti
people - persone
biter - biter
little - piccolo
offend - offendere
operation - operazione
pathologist - patologo
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