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Our Family Wedding - Seating Arrangement Hell (It)

Scena tratta dal film Matrimonio in famiglia
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    Categoria: Comedy
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    my brother, his wife

    my two nephews, my dad and step mom

    from St. Louis at Table Number 3.

    Oh. Hey, Earlene. you still screwing my husband?

    - I'm not your husband, woman. - Oh, yes, you are.

    We never got a divorce. We're just legally separated.

    you never got a divorce?

    Baby, it's been 35 years. I think there's a statute of limitations or something.

    - you never got a divorce? - Alzheimer's.

    you lied to me.

    Still the other woman. How does it feel?

    I'll show you how it feels!

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