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You... You died?
Yeah, but I got unfinished business here.
Oh. Couldn't you use another stall?
My ghost isn't going anywhere,
until I pass on my duty to another.
And that would be you.
Me? No, no, no, no. You must have it wrong.
Ho hoo, it's you, all right.
I've been holding back the witch's curse for years.
But now I'm dead. It has to be you.
But I... I don't know what any of it means.
It means the past is coming back to haunt you!
Time is running out!
The anniversary of the witch's death is tonight!
Her ghost is going to wake up.
And when she does, she'll raise the dead.
You've got to keep her in her grave!
But I'm just a kid! How am I supposed to stop it?
Read from the book at the spot the witch was buried.
What book?
The one in my hands.
Not these hands! My other hands.
The "me" that's at home in my study starting to smell a little funny.
Get the book and read from it before the sun sets tonight.
But this is crazy.
Do I look crazy to you?
Tell me you'll do this.
You mean like the "F" word? - I mean, promise!
Okay, okay. I... I promise.
That will do.
No, Mr. Prenderghast, wait!
Sorry, kid, I'm done here. I'm free!
I'm finally free!
Wait. No, you can't leave now!
Please! I don't understand!
Uh... Yeah, you, uh... You might want to give that a few minutes.
years - anni
would - voluto
understand - capire
unfinished - incompiuto
these - queste
wrong - sbagliato
swear - giurare
supposed - ipotetico
starting - di partenza
stall - stalla
sorry - scusa
smell - odore
running - in esecuzione
tonight - stasera
promise - promettere
please - per favore
minutes - minuti
crazy - pazzo
curse - maledizione
business - attività commerciale
witch - strega
right - destra
funny - divertente
before - prima
other - altro
death - morte
going - andando
anniversary - anniversario
raise - aumentare
hands - mani
anywhere - dovunque
until - fino a
finally - finalmente
buried - sepolto
ghost - fantasma
study - studia
little - piccolo
grave - tomba
haunt - infestare
another - un altro
leave - partire
coming - venuta
means - si intende
might - potrebbe
holding - detenzione
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