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What you, of course, could not know...
is that Dr. Brine's laboratory in Venice is secretly developing a doomsday weapon...
called the "Medusa Serum."
But what you don't know is that Dirk
...Dave won't be using his Bazooka Serum...
- "Medusa Serum." - ...Medusa Serum on anybody.
That part is accurate.
Show him, Rico!
You stole the Medusa Serum?
Well, "Stole the serum," "Saved the day," "Did your job for you."
Call it what you will.
He hacked into our system.
Where's the sound?
Every time a villain calls in, this happens.
That's like talking to my parents.
How about now?
Excellent. Now where was I?
Greetings, North Wind.
I see you've met my old zoo-mates.
We were never "mates." There was no mating.
Turn yourself in, David.
You're powerless now that I've stolen your precious Medusa Serum.
You? You didn't steal that!
It's over.
It's over?
Then why did I call you?
Oh! Maybe it was to show you this!
That is a lot of serum for four penguins.
Oh, you thought this was just about you four?
We're just getting started.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go do some shopping...
for revenge!
Wait. How do you...?
What do I push?
Is it the red, or...
I thought it was the... It's not this...
yourself - te stesso
where - dove
weapon - arma
happens - accade
mating - combaciamento
laboratory - laboratorio
using - utilizzando
every - dejte pozor
saved - salvato
accurate - preciso
excellent - eccellente
hacked - violato
doomsday - giorno del giudizio universale
anybody - nessuno
mates - compagni
getting - ottenere
parents - genitori
david - david
excuse - scusa
maybe - può essere
greetings - saluti
could - poteva
penguins - pinguini
developing - in via di sviluppo
thought - pensato
medusa - medusa
never - mai
north - nord
stolen - rubare
called - chiamato
powerless - impotente
system - sistema
precious - prezioso
bazooka - bazooka
revenge - vendetta
calls - chiamate
secretly - segretamente
serum - siero
shopping - shopping
course - corso
started - iniziato
villain - furfante
stole - ha rubato
venice - Venezia
about - di
steal - rubare
sound - suono
talking - parlando
there - là
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