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If you hang up, I will kill you.
I never said I had binoculars.
I have a highly magnified telescopic image of you.
Now what kind of device has a telescopic sight mounted on it?
What? You mean like a rifle?
A 30-caliber bolt-action 700 with a carbon-one modification.
and a state-of-the-art Hensholdt tactical scope.
- And it's staring straight at you. - Yeah, how's my fucking hair?
At this range, the exit wound ought to be about the size of a small tangerine.
Nice try, pal. Go to hell.
Now, doesn't that just torque your jaws?
I love that.
You know, like in the movies
just as the good guy is about to kill the bad guy, he cocks his gun.
Now why didn't he have it cocked?
Because that sound is scary.
It's cool, isn't it?
Look, you shoot a gun here and there'll be pandemonium.
Do you hear me? There will be cops swarming all over this block.
Do you think so? Let's see. One. Two.
That won't help you. Three.
Oh Stu, look at everybody. Look at all of the people screaming, Stu.
Here come the cops.
Sniper on the roof. Gunfire, hit the deck.
Stu, you still with me?
Stand up and be a man.
Do you mean you'd whack me for no particular reason?
No, I have plenty of reasons, and you keep giving me more.
- Shall I take care of him? - No! No. Shit, no.
It would be so easy.
You just gave that gentleman 10 dollars to walk away.
You saved his life. You do have a sensitive side.
How much to let me go?
Let's see how sensitive you really are.
wound - ferita
whack - picchiare
torque - momento torcente
three - tre
telescopic - telescopico
tangerine - mandarino
swarming - formicolio
gunfire - cannoneggiamento
highly - altamente
giving - dando
fucking - cazzo
small - piccolo
tactical - tattico
sniper - cecchino
gentleman - signore
dollars - dollari
state - stato
modification - modifica
mounted - a cavallo
cocked - cazzo
would - voluto
magnified - ingrandita
because - perché
device - dispositivo
still - ancora
staring - fissando
reasons - motivi
think - pensare
scope - scopo
hensholdt - hensholdt
sensitive - sensibile
sound - suono
about - di
caliber - calibro
pandemonium - pandemonio
straight - dritto
everybody - tutti
image - immagine
binoculars - binocolo
ought - dovere
carbon - carbonio
particular - particolare
action - azione
block - bloccare
movies - film
cocks - cazzi
never - mai
people - persone
shall - deve
plenty - abbondanza
range - gamma
really - veramente
reason - ragionare
saved - salvato
there - là
shoot - sparare
scary - pauroso
rifle - fucile
stand - stare in piedi
screaming - urlando
sight - vista
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