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- David!
- Jess!
You have to stop talking.
- What did you change?
You're being too loud.
People are gonna...
I don't care if people
can hear me!
You have to tell me.
What did you change?
"Before the world ends..."
- That's why you and I...
- No, Jess. Listen.
Listen to me.
I didn't mean for this to happen.
After everything,
you're just a liar.
I understand
how this could feel...
You have no idea
how this feels!
You played me!
Like I was just some idiot
that would just fall for your trick
or something!
Stop it.
There was no other way
I could have got you.
You didn't care that
it was dangerous?
That all of your friends
could be hurt?
We had this real connection.
I knew it, and I just went back
and I wanted another chance,
and I was the person
that I should have been.
How do I know that
you're telling me the truth?
How do I know that this
hasn't already happened before?
Twice before?
How do I know that?
Jesus, David.
I mean, did you ever stop
to think that maybe
I've liked you since
the first time I met you?
No, I didn't.
Well, you know what
I would have done?
If I was as smart as you,
if I could have built
a time machine?
I would have used it
so I could go back
and meet you sooner.
I love you.
Guys, I'm here! David!
Shit! You gotta let go.
You gotta let go.
David, it's me.
David, it's me. David, it's me.
David, it's me.
Jess, no!
would - voluto
world - mondo
idiot - idiota
feels - si sente
happened - è accaduto
gotta - devo
gonna - andando
everything - qualunque cosa
dangerous - pericoloso
listen - ascolta
david - david
happen - accadere
already - già
change - modificare
being - essere
maybe - può essere
another - un altro
built - costruito
other - altro
talking - parlando
connection - connessione
people - persone
friends - amici
jesus - Gesù
after - dopo
liked - è piaciuto
lollapalooza - Lollapalooza
machine - macchina
chance - opportunità
person - persona
first - primo
played - giocato
telling - raccontare
twice - due volte
should - dovrebbero
jessie - Jessie
could - poteva
since - da
something - qualcosa
think - pensare
before - prima
smart - inteligente
sooner - prima
there - là
trick - trucco
truth - verità
understand - capire
wanted - ricercato
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