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Hey, kids. How you boys doin'?
Hey, keep chillin'.
You know who we are?
We're associates of your business partner, Marsellus Wallace.
You do remember your business partner, don't you?
Now, let me take a wild guess here.
- You're Brett, right? - Yeah.
I thought so. You remember your business partner Marsellus Wallace, don't ya, Brett?
Yeah, I remember.
Good. Looks like me and Vincent caught you boys at breakfast.
Sorry about that. Whatcha havin'?
Hamburgers! The cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast.
What kind of hamburgers?
- Uh, ch-cheeseburgers. - No, no, no.
Where'd you get 'em? McDonald's, Wendy's, Jack-in-the-Box?
- Where? - Uh, Big Kahuna Burger.
Big Kahuna Burger! That's that Hawaiian burger joint.
I hear they got some tasty burgers. I ain't never had one myself. How are they?
They're-They're good.
You mind if I try one of yours?
- This is yours here, right? - Yeah.
This is a tasty burger! Vincent!
You ever had a Big Kahuna burger?
Want a bite? They're real tasty.
I ain't hungry.
Well, if you like burgers, give 'em a try sometime.
Me, I can't usually get 'em 'cause my girlfriend's a vegetarian,
which pretty much makes me a vegetarian.
But I do love the taste of a good burger. Mmmm.
You know what they call a Quarter-Pounder with Cheese in France?
- No. - Tell 'em, Vincent.
- A Royale with Cheese. - A Royale with Cheese.
You know why they call it that?
Uh, because of the metric system?
Check out the big brain on Brett!
You're a smart motherfucker. That's right. The metric system.
- What's in this? - Sprite.
Sprite. Good.
You mind if I have some of your tasty beverage to wash this down?
Go right ahead.
That hit the spot.
You. Flock of Seagulls. You know why we're here?
Why don't you tell my man Vince here where you got the shit hid.
It's over there
I don't remember askin' you a goddamned thing!
You were sayin'?
It's in the cupboard.
No, the one by your knees.
We happy? Vincent?
- We happy? - Yeah, we happy.
which - quale
where - dove
whatcha - whatcha
wallace - wallace
vince - vince
vegetarian - vegetariano
thought - pensato
thing - cosa
yours - il tuo
there - là
tasty - gustoso
system - sistema
sprite - folletto
sorry - scusa
vincent - vincent
pounder - libbre
burgers - hamburger
cheeseburgers - cheeseburger
cornerstone - pietra angolare
hamburgers - hamburger
joint - comune
usually - generalmente
check - dai un'occhiata
caught - catturato
seagulls - gabbiani
kahuna - kahuna
business - attività commerciale
brett - brett
pretty - bella
associates - collegate
flock - gregge
cupboard - credenza
right - destra
beverage - bevanda
about - di
burger - hamburger
cheese - formaggio
ahead - avanti
remember - ricorda
happy - contento
brain - cervello
hawaiian - hawaiano
guess - indovina
hungry - affamato
knees - ginocchia
partner - compagno
looks - sembra
france - Francia
makes - fa
quarter - trimestre
goddamned - maledetto
marsellus - Marsellus
metric - metrico
motherfucker - motherfucker
because - perché
myself - me stessa
breakfast - colazione
never - mai
nutritious - nutriente
taste - gusto
royale - royale
smart - inteligente
sometime - a volte
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