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I keep trying to draw something different,
but I can't.
It has something to do with how I die.
It's a tiger.
I'm serious.
I don't know how I know, but I just know.
I know I act like I
don't care sometimes,
I don't want to die.
It's not gonna happen, okay?
Just tell me that I'm a crappy artist
and that I'm wrong.
You are a crappy artist and you are wrong.
Listen to me.
You've already done more than enough
for everyone.
The only thing you got to worry
about right now is keeping yourself safe.
But how?
You just start walking.
Don't even think about where you're going.
You just keep moving. Don't make
any decisions any watcher can track.
And when you come across
someplace safe, you hide.
Simple as that. I don't know how,
but I know this is gonna work out.
I promise. No need to be scared. Trust me.
That's more like it.
What are you gonna do?
I can't tell you.
watcher - osservatore
walking - a passeggio
trying - provare
worry - preoccupazione
tiger - tigre
start - inizio
sometimes - a volte
someplace - da qualche parte
everyone - tutti
enough - abbastanza
happen - accadere
different - diverso
moving - in movimento
about - di
crappy - scadente
artist - artista
think - pensare
something - qualcosa
across - attraverso
already - già
yourself - te stesso
wrong - sbagliato
decisions - decisioni
where - dove
track - traccia
keeping - conservazione
going - andando
gonna - andando
listen - ascolta
trust - fiducia
scared - impaurito
thing - cosa
promise - promettere
simple - semplice
right - destra
serious - grave
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