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Well, it used to just be the two of us.
Now there's busloads of people just to do the music.
Hang on, hang on, don't you wanna just
go out there and sing
without this ridiculous paraphernalia?
You know, just be yourself, Reg?
Why the fuck would I want that, Bernie?
You wouldn't say this shit to me
if you were a real friend.
People don't pay to see Reginald Dwight.
They pay to see Elton John!
Don't ever tell me how to do my fucking job!
Break a leg.
You don't have to put up with this, Reg.
Write the fucking lyrics, Bernie!
Let me deal with the rest.
- I'm sorry. - I know.
Ladies and gentlemen!
Please welcome Elton John!
Ever since I was a young boy I played the silver ball
From Soho down to Brighton
I must've played them all
But I ain't seen nothing like him
In any amusement hall
That deaf, dumb and blind kid
Sure plays a mean pinball
He stands like a statue Becomes part of the machine
Feeling all the bumpers Always playing clean
He plays by intuition The digit counters fall
That deaf, dumb and blind kid
Sure plays a mean pinball
He's a pinball wizard He scores a trillion more
A pinball wizard The world's new pinball lord
He's scoring more
yourself - te stesso
young - giovane
would - voluto
intuition - intuizione
gentlemen - gentiluomini
plays - giochi
clean - pulito
counters - contatori
lyrics - testi
machine - macchina
amusement - divertimento
friend - amico
bernie - bernie
sorry - scusa
dwight - Dwight
ladies - le signore
music - musica
welcome - benvenuto
becomes - diventa
always - sempre
digit - cifra
feeling - sensazione
break - rompere
nothing - niente
blind - cieco
bumpers - paraurti
since - da
elton - elton
busloads - busloads
paraphernalia - armamentario
scoring - punteggio
people - persone
write - scrivi
playing - giocando
please - per favore
fucking - cazzo
brighton - brighton
reginald - reginald
played - giocato
wanna - voglio
trillion - trilioni di
ridiculous - ridicolo
scores - punteggi
stands - stand
silver - argento
statue - statua
there - là
pinball - flipper
without - senza
wizard - procedura guidata
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