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Did you ever get married?
- Yeah, sort of.
- Sort of?
- Yeah, well, he took off.
- Poof, just like that?
Yeah, just like that.
- You sort of have any kids?
- Yeah, yeah, I got one kid.
Yeah? Me too. Me too.
Wonderful boy.
Tough guy! What's the matter,
you can't buy a round?
The girl was being nice
to your dumb ass.
Hey what you doing with that pig?
She ain't nothing but a jealous bitch!
Hey, don't listen to them.
Both of youse,
you ain't no better than me.
Come over here, you'll get
your head kicked in around here.
You punch-drunk, goofy bastard.
You ain't even got a car
to take that pig home.
- You all right?- Yeah.
What are you doing?
Don't get out. It's all right.
No, Little Marie. It ain't all right.
- Yo.
- What?
I'll tell you what. Get inside.
- You get inside. Yeah, you.
- Hey, leave him alone!
- You see that? You see that?- Yeah, yeah. All right.
- What do you say?
- All right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry!
Get a job!
- That guy sends his apologies.
- Okay.
youse - youse
tough - difficile
sends - invia
round - il giro
drunk - ubriaco
goofy - sciocco
doing - fare
sorry - scusa
being - essere
apologies - scuse
around - in giro
alone - da solo
wonderful - meraviglioso
bastard - bastardo
inside - dentro
nothing - niente
jealous - geloso
right - destra
kicked - preso a calci
leave - partire
listen - ascolta
matter - importa
little - piccolo
bitch - cagna
marie - marie
punch - punch
better - meglio
married - sposato
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