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I don't believe in myself no more.
Don't understand?
And when a fighter don't
believe, that's it!
He's finished!
That's over. That's it.
- That's not it! - That is it!
Why don't you tell me the truth!
What are you putting me through, Adrian?
You wanna know the truth?
The truth is I don't wanna
lose what I got.
In the beginning I didn't
care what happened to me.
I'd go in the
ring, I'd get busted up.
I didn't care! But now there's you.
There's the kid.
I don't wanna lose what I got!
What do we have that can't be replaced?
A house. We got cars.
We got money.
We got everything but the truth.
What's the truth, damn it?
I'm afraid! All right?
You wanna hear me say it?
You wanna break me down?
All right, I'm afraid.
For the first time in my life,
I'm afraid.
I'm afraid too. There's nothin'
wrong with being afraid.
- There is. For me there is.
- Why? You're human, aren't ya?
All I know is I'm a liar
and because of that, Mickey
ain't here no more.
You didn't push him into anything!
He was a grown man and he did
what he had to do.
And you have no right to feel guilty
for what happened. You don't!
You were a champion, and you did
what you were expected to do.
And you did what I and everybody
else thought you should do.
And you wanna tell
me that those fights weren't real?
That you were carried?
Well, I don't believe it! But it
doesn't matter what I believe,
because you're the one that's gotta
carry that fear around inside you,
afraid that everybody's
gonna take things away.
Afraid you're gonna
be remembered as a coward
that you're not a man anymore.
Well, none of it's true. But it
doesn't matter if I tell you.
It doesn't matter, because you're
the one that's gotta settle it.
Get rid of it.
Because when all the
smoke has cleared
and everyone's through
chanting your name,
it's just gonna be us.
And you can't live like this.
We can't live like this.
'Cause it's gonna bother you
for the rest of your life.
Look what it's
doing to you now.
Apollo thinks you can do it.
So do I.
But you, you gotta wanna do it
for the right reasons.
Not for the guilt over Mickey.
Not for the people
Not for the title.
Not for money or me.
But for you.
Just you. Just you alone.
- And if I lose?
- Then you lose!
But at least you lose
with no excuses. No fear.
And I know you
can live with that.
- How'd you get so tough?
- I... I live with a fighter.
I really love you.
I love you.
title - titolo
thinks - pensa
smoke - fumo
should - dovrebbero
through - attraverso
settle - stabilirsi
replaced - sostituito
remembered - ricordato
reasons - motivi
those - quelli
cleared - eliminato
believe - credere
champion - campione
tough - difficile
there - là
guilty - colpevole
carry - trasportare
least - meno
chanting - canto
doing - fare
truth - verità
break - rompere
bother - preoccuparsi
carried - trasportato
being - essere
grown - cresciuto
alone - da solo
fighter - combattente
afraid - impaurito
inside - dentro
anymore - più
wrong - sbagliato
apollo - Apollo
understand - capire
busted - arrestato
adrian - adrian
money - i soldi
anything - qualsiasi cosa
happened - è accaduto
everybody - tutti
around - in giro
beginning - inizio
thought - pensato
expected - previsto
coward - codardo
fights - combatte
finished - finito
gotta - devo
everything - qualunque cosa
because - perché
myself - me stessa
wanna - voglio
first - primo
excuses - scuse
really - veramente
gonna - andando
matter - importa
guilt - colpa
house - casa
human - umano
mickey - mickey
things - cose
people - persone
right - destra
putting - mettendo
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