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Oh, I'm... I'm sorry, child.
Did I frighten you, child?
Oh, I'm sorry. Are you scared?
All right. I'll sing to you.
God is in his holy temple
I'm here with Professor Oldman's group.
I'm Hanson. I'm the caretaker.
- Hi. - Hi.
And what's your name, sweet child?
- I'm Cindy. - Cindy.
Oh, but the resemblance is striking.
Look at the thin cheek bones and the same lips.
Same... same eyes.
Look at your hair.
Oh, I'm sorry.
You've got the same nose.
Tickle, tickle. Be-boop, be-boop on the nose.
Shall I show you to your room?
Oh! Oh, that's heavy. Whoo! That's heavy!
I better use my strong hand.
Oh! Clumsy.
Look, you got the panties...
Look at... Oh, what you got here?
Can't forget your toothbrush.
Gonna need that for later.
OK. Here we go. Follow me, child.
Coming through.
Come on. Right this way.
Here we are.
So, um, do you live here by yourself?
Well, yes. We've tried to rent it out...
but people don't seem to want to stay very long.
There's old Mother Kane...
and that's old Master Kane.
Who's that?
That's Big Daddy Kane.
- Oh, he's cute. - Oh, yeah.
That was the master's favorite toy.
I don't know what it's doing out here.
I swear. Sometimes I think these toys have a mind of their own.
tried - provato
tickle - solletico
think - pensare
sweet - dolce
strong - forte
their - loro
sorry - scusa
sometimes - a volte
right - destra
resemblance - somiglianza
yourself - te stesso
swear - giurare
professor - professore
shall - deve
people - persone
doing - fare
daddy - papà
clumsy - maldestro
through - attraverso
caretaker - custode
bones - ossatura
cindy - cindy
these - queste
child - bambino
toothbrush - spazzolino da denti
temple - tempio
follow - segui
group - gruppo
coming - venuta
favorite - favorito
striking - suggestivo
better - meglio
forget - dimenticare
frighten - impaurire
hanson - hanson
gonna - andando
heavy - pesante
later - dopo
cheek - guancia
master - maestro
mother - madre
scared - impaurito
panties - mutandine
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