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Had we just stayed put
like I suggested,
we could be sipping tea
out of little heart-shaped cups.
Yeah, heart-shaped cups.
And eating crumpets
smothered with loganberries.
Yeah, loganberries.
- Shut up, Cindy.
- Yeah, shut up.
- No, you shut up.
- Just stay out of this!
Who cares who's
"running the kingdom" anyway?
- I care.
- And you should all care too.
I have your badge number, tin can!
- Donkey?
- Princess!
But I am Puss, stuck here
inside this hideous body.
And I'm me!
- But you're ...
I know, everything's a little fruity in the
loops right now, but what happened is,
we went to high school,
and the boat crashed ...
and we got bippity-boppity-booped
by the magic man.
You poor sweet things.
I don't get it.
The cat turned into a little horse
that smells like feet. What's to get?
Who dat?
Where's Shrek?
Charming has got him, Princess.
And he plans on killing Shrek tonight
in front of the whole kingdom!
All right, everyone.
We need to find a way out now.
You're right.
Ladies, assume the position!
What are you doing?
Waiting to be rescued.
You've got to be kidding me.
What do you expect us to do?
We're just four...
I mean three,
super-hot princesses...
two circus freaks, a pregnant
ogre and an old lady!
Excuse me.
Old lady coming through.
You didn't actually think you got your
fighting skills from your father, did you?
Excuse me.
I think there's still one more.
Why don't you just lie down?
Okay, girls, from here on out...
we are going to take care of
business ourselves.
three - tre
think - pensare
things - cose
sweet - dolce
super - super
stuck - incollato
still - ancora
smothered - soffocato
smells - odori
sipping - sorseggiando
suggested - suggerito
shrek - shrek
waiting - in attesa
should - dovrebbero
shaped - a forma di
school - scuola
running - in esecuzione
right - destra
rescued - salvato
whole - totale
princesses - principesse
fighting - combattente
bippity - bippity
skills - abilità
everyone - tutti
number - numero
ourselves - noi stessi
donkey - asino
business - attività commerciale
could - poteva
through - attraverso
little - piccolo
coming - venuta
kidding - prendendo in giro
expect - aspettarsi
badge - distintivo
plans - piani
father - padre
pregnant - incinta
crashed - incidentato
actually - in realtà
doing - fare
princess - principessa
assume - assumere
fruity - fruttato
cares - cure
heart - cuore
position - posizione
circus - circo
charming - affascinante
happened - è accaduto
excuse - scusa
cindy - cindy
freaks - freak
stayed - rimasto
front - davanti
turned - trasformato
girls - ragazze
tonight - stasera
crumpets - crumpets
hideous - orrendo
horse - cavallo
inside - dentro
eating - mangiare
anyway - comunque
loganberries - loganberries
killing - uccisione
kingdom - regno
ladies - le signore
loops - loop
going - andando
magic - magia
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