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I... I'm so sorry to bother you, but...
I've been hurt, and I've lost everything.
I didn't know where to go.
Your children. I'm a friend of your children.
- He mentioned our kids' names. - And the school they go to.
- Harvard. You can say Harvard. - I don't want to get into libel.
I was mugged... out there in Central Park.
By the statue of that Alaskan husky.
I was standing there trying to figure out why there was a statue of a dog
who saved lives in the Yukon in the middle of Central Park.
- When I was standing there trying to puzzle it out... - Are you OK?
Oh, they took my money and my briefcase. I said "My thesis..."
- His shirt's bleeding. - The shirt isn't bleeding. He's bleeding.
I'm sorry. I get this way around blood.
No, no, no! My God, not on the rug, please. Eddie, get the doctor.
No. No. I'll survive.
No doctors. Please?
All right, Eddie. We'll call you.
Thank you, Eddie.
I don't mind the money.
But in this age of mechanical reproduction,
they managed to get the only copy of my thesis.
Ouisa, where's the first-aid book?
The Red Cross advises "Press edges of wound firmly together."
Yes, I'm doing that.
Hold on. Ouisa, I need gauze.
- It's been wonderful seeing you. - Oh, no, no. Stay, stay.
My time is so short. Before I leave America, I really should...
- Have you seen the new book on Cezanne? - Er, no. May I use the phone?
An absolute revelation.
So, I ran down the hall...
two million dollars, two million dollars the book on Cezanne, got the gauze from the kitchen,
two million dollars. Two million dollars.
yukon - yukon
trying - provare
together - insieme
survive - sopravvivere
statue - statua
sorry - scusa
where - dove
shirt - camicia
there - là
short - corto
school - scuola
saved - salvato
right - destra
revelation - rivelazione
reproduction - riproduzione
dollars - dollari
edges - bordi
doing - fare
thank - ringraziare
seeing - vedendo
money - i soldi
doctor - medico
wonderful - meraviglioso
cross - attraversare
children - bambini
managed - gestito
doctors - medici
absolute - assoluto
should - dovrebbero
gauze - garza
blood - sangue
cezanne - cezanne
america - America
advises - consiglia
alaskan - divinorum
standing - in piedi
million - milione
wound - ferita
bleeding - emorragia
before - prima
around - in giro
everything - qualunque cosa
briefcase - ventiquattrore
mugged - aggredito
first - primo
really - veramente
friend - amico
ouisa - ouisa
central - centrale
eddie - eddie
harvard - harvard
kitchen - cucina
husky - rauco
leave - partire
libel - diffamazione
thesis - tesi
lives - vite
figure - figura
bother - preoccuparsi
mechanical - meccanico
mentioned - menzionato
middle - in mezzo
phone - telefono
names - nomi
firmly - fermamente
please - per favore
press - stampa
puzzle - puzzle
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