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Snowden - Make You See (It)

Scena tratta dal film Snowden
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    Excuse me, ma'am.
    Would you like to sign?

    - I actually just signed.
    - Okay. Thank you very much.

    Thank you.

    Too much independent
    spirit for you?

    No, I just don't really
    like bashing my country.

    It's my country too, and right
    now it has blood on its hands.

    Sorry, I just... I have friends
    who are over there right now.

    I'm not talking
    about the troops.

    I'm talking about the moron
    sending them to war.

    Moron? You mean
    our Commander-in-Chief?

    Yeah, whatever you want to call him.
    He's still wrong.

    How do you know he's wrong?
    You're just lashing out.

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