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Excuse me, ma'am.
Would you like to sign?
- I actually just signed.
- Okay. Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Too much independent
spirit for you?
No, I just don't really
like bashing my country.
It's my country too, and right
now it has blood on its hands.
Sorry, I just... I have friends
who are over there right now.
I'm not talking
about the troops.
I'm talking about the moron
sending them to war.
Moron? You mean
our Commander-in-Chief?
Yeah, whatever you want to call him.
He's still wrong.
How do you know he's wrong?
You're just lashing out.
No, I'm not lashing out. I'm
questioning our government.
That's what we do
in this country.
That is the principle
that we were founded on.
Okay, but how about
questioning the liberal media?
You're just buying
into what one side is saying.
Maybe I am,
'cause my side is right.
- See, that's funny, 'cause my side's right.
- Oh, really?
Why is it smart conservatives
always make me so mad?
Probably because you don't
like hearing the truth.
You are a very frustrating
individual, you know that?
How am I gonna
make you see?
I can see just fine,
thank you.
That help at all?
Nope. No, that did
nothing for me.
Tastes like liberal.
It's not my thing.
would - voluto
whatever - qualunque cosa
individual - individuale
gonna - andando
funny - divertente
right - destra
frustrating - frustrante
signed - firmato
bashing - colpire
troops - truppe
spirit - spirito
founded - fondato
independent - indipendente
always - sempre
truth - verità
commander - comandante
actually - in realtà
because - perché
blood - sangue
chief - capo
buying - acquisto
probably - probabilmente
hands - mani
wrong - sbagliato
friends - amici
conservatives - conservatori
lashing - frustatura
liberal - liberale
there - là
excuse - scusa
maybe - può essere
sorry - scusa
moron - deficiente
questioning - interrogativo
hearing - udito
really - veramente
saying - detto
government - governo
sending - invio
still - ancora
country - nazione
tastes - gusti
media - media
principle - principio
smart - inteligente
about - di
talking - parlando
thank - ringraziare
nothing - niente
thing - cosa
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