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One time. One time.
You guys lost?
You niggas supposed to be somewhere?
Yeah. Here.
- We working.
- Oh, you working?
Yeah, I'll bet.
- What we do?
- We'll find out in a minute what you did.
- What's this?
- Shut the fuck up.
Get your ass on the ground now.
Get on the ground!
On the ground?
What am I supposed to do with this?
- What we do?
- Hey. Get down.
Get on the ground. Now.
Get your punk ass on the ground.
Let's go.
The fuck down.
Hands behind your back.
Interlock your fingers.
This is fucked up.
Interlock 'em!
The fuck you got us on the ground
like this for, Officer? For our protection.
Seven of you and four of us.
So sit tight and let us do our job.
- Officer, I'm sorry. What is going on?
- Sir, stay right there, please.
We're trying to check these bangers,
make sure they're clean.
All right. I'm sorry. These are
not bangers. Okay?
These are... these are artists.
- Excuse me? Artists?
- Yeah.
- Seriously?
- Yeah.
- What kind of artists?
- Rappers.
And they're working with me
in the studio right now.
Well, see,
rap is not an art.
- And I'm sorry. Who are you?
- I'm the manager.
Well, you're wasting your time, Mr.
You gotta be kidding me.
- You're wasting your time.
- Really?
These clients of yours, these rappers,
they look like gang members.
You can't come down here and arrest
people just because of what they look like.
Are you crazy?
That's police harassment.
- You said you're a manager, right?
- Yeah.
- Not a fuckin' lawyer.
- Does that matter?
You cannot come down here and harass
these guys... because they're black!
People have rights!
I'll step back, you let them up.
Get up, guys. Come on. Eric!
You don't tell them to get up.
We will decide that.
No idea the people I know.
I'm gonna call the mayor's office.
Step back.
Now get up.
Get up now!
And you keep your people in line. You
understand? And the fuck out of Torrance.
Good. Come on.
You got a problem?
It's my jersey.
- You ain't tough now, huh?
- Just get to steppin'.
Eric, come on, come on.
Let's go.
- You got a problem?
- Yella.
- I didn't hear you.
- Let's go.
Shut up.
- Everything's fine. Okay?
- Yeah.
You got something to say?
- Cube.
- You got something to say, boy?
Cube. Get inside.
You heard what your master said.
Get inside, boy.
You shut the fuck up!
Get the fuck back inside.
We're gonna go back and work. Okay?
Leave us alone.
- You know? Leave us alone.
- Fuckin' rap music.
- Fuckin' disgraceful.
- Yeah.
wasting - sprecare
understand - capire
trying - provare
tight - stretto
yours - il tuo
tough - difficile
there - là
supposed - ipotetico
sorry - scusa
somewhere - da qualche parte
seven - sette
seriously - sul serio
right - destra
gonna - andando
going - andando
black - nero
clean - pulito
matter - importa
torrance - Torrance
fingers - dita
excuse - scusa
alone - da solo
working - lavoro
decide - decidere
hands - mani
something - qualcosa
inside - dentro
studio - studio
police - polizia
harassment - molestia
crazy - pazzo
problem - problema
really - veramente
artists - artisti
arrest - arresto
office - ufficio
because - perché
leave - partire
fucked - scopata
harass - molestare
yella - yella
behind - dietro a
rappers - rappers
bangers - bangers
niggas - negri
these - queste
gotta - devo
cannot - non può
disgraceful - vergognoso
heard - sentito
protection - protezione
interlock - interlock
ground - terra
music - musica
members - membri
officer - ufficiale
jersey - maglia
lawyer - avvocato
please - per favore
kidding - prendendo in giro
manager - manager
master - maestro
rights - diritti
clients - clienti
check - dai un'occhiata
minute - minuto
people - persone
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