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That wasn't a warlock.
It wasn't even a human. It was a demon, you reckless idiot!
You summoned a demon!
Yes, yes.
Azazel, to be exact.
The fourth prince of hell.
Oh, he gave me a wonderful gift.
The greatest magic trick ever.
I'm going to make people disappear.
Spin the world back until the dawn of time.
All that will be left...
- Selena and I. - But...
if you go back to the beginning, history, humans, it will all just start over again.
No. I'll make sure people are never born this time.
With the help of a friend.
Lewis's parents won't die in that awful crash.
Your husband and sweet little girl won't be killed.
They'll never have existed.
No people, no war.
Now, Jonathan...
The key.
Now would be a good time... for a little... magic.
Of all people, Florence, I thought you'd want this.
I know what losing your family did to you.
You're too sad and broken... to work any real magic.
Maybe I was.
But now...
I'm indomitable.
Marmalade, now!
- Where are they? - They're gone.
until - fino a
trick - trucco
where - dove
thought - pensato
start - inizio
selena -
prince - principe
reckless - spericolato
parents - genitori
world - mondo
losing - perdere
people - persone
little - piccolo
warlock - stregone
killed - ucciso
marmalade - marmellata
jonathan - jonathan
awful - terribile
wonderful - meraviglioso
magic - magia
broken - rotto
never - mai
disappear - scomparire
azazel - azazel
crash - schianto
sweet - dolce
family - famiglia
exact - esatto
indomitable - indomabile
beginning - inizio
again - ancora
fourth - il quarto
summoned - convocato
idiot - idiota
florence - Firenze
maybe - può essere
existed - esistito
friend - amico
going - andando
would - voluto
husband - marito
demon - demone
greatest - più grande
history - storia
human - umano
humans - gli esseri umani
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