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A stronger, safer, more profitable world
through incorruptible
top-level management.
We trust you with our technology
and suddenly you turn him
into a common hit man.
I trusted you with my son.
You didn't even ask us...
Don't lecture me!
You swore to me that this was fail-safe.
No leaks, no glitches, no, no dreams.
Not even a shadow
of what was done...
You needed to ask
Tom Jordan was going to destroy
my son and everything I've worked for,
and every one of us along with it.
And you wanted me to what?
- Call a meeting?
- Now, look, look, look.
In the larger course of history...
there are key players...
and role players, Senator.
Bullshit! This is about my son
and the future of this country.
I thought we understood each other.
I think we do. I think we really do.
Your God is money.
No, no. I'm a believer.
I am an optimist. I believe in the future.
And people who do,
the ones who make history
instead of just sitting around
watching it,
no, they're willing to take the big risks.
Yes, I made a decision.
Oh, God!
Where are all the men anymore?
My father, Tyler Prentiss, never asked,
"ls this okay? ls this okay?"
You know what I'm saying, Mark?
He just did what needed to be done.
world - mondo
worked - lavorato
willing - disposto
understood - inteso
thought - pensato
think - pensare
there - là
technology - tecnologia
swore - giurò
suddenly - ad un tratto
wanted - ricercato
going - andando
future - futuro
players - giocatori
everything - qualunque cosa
every - dejte pozor
anymore - più
stronger - più forte
along - lungo
through - attraverso
dreams - sogni
decision - decisione
around - in giro
instead - anziché
risks - rischi
tyler - Tyler
father - padre
believe - credere
asked - chiesto
prentiss - prentiss
incorruptible - incorruttibile
history - storia
common - comune
needed - necessaria
profitable - redditizio
bullshit - cazzate
where - dove
destroy - distruggere
country - nazione
larger - più grandi
management - gestione
safer - più sicuro
leaks - perdite
level - livello
course - corso
people - persone
jordan - giordania
lecture - conferenza
really - veramente
meeting - incontro
money - i soldi
watching - guardando
glitches - glitch
never - mai
trusted - di fiducia
optimist - ottimista
believer - credente
senator - senatore
about - di
other - altro
saying - detto
trust - fiducia
shadow - ombra
sitting - seduta
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