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Come come, let's return to the rosebush... - NIMH is coming!
- NIMH? - In the morning! - NIMH! - Yes.
You will all die unless you leave the farm tonight.
Lies! - Please! You must believe me!
What if it's true? - We'll all be killed! - Don't panic!
Don't listen! She's hysterical!
Get out now...
You get out! I've had enough!
Justin! Justin!
Jenner, stop this!
The Stone...
Jenner... - Get out of my way!
I want that Stone!
Justin, Justin! My sword!
It was you...
You did it!
You killed Nicodemus.
That was no accident!
Yes. I killed him!
He wanted to destroy everything!
I've learned this much.
Take what you can, when you can!
Then you've learned nothing!
tonight we journey to Thorn Valley.
We will leave no tracks.
No evidence that the Rats of NIMH ever existed...
valley - valle
unless - salvo che
tonight - stasera
thorn - spina
rosebush - rosaio
return - ritorno
friends - amici
existed - esistito
panic - panico
hysterical - isterico
accident - incidente
believe - credere
evidence - prova
everything - qualunque cosa
enough - abbastanza
coming - venuta
jenner - Jenner
morning - mattina
destroy - distruggere
journey - viaggio
justin - justin
nicodemus - nicodemus
killed - ucciso
please - per favore
learned - imparato
stone - pietra
leave - partire
tracks - brani
listen - ascolta
wanted - ricercato
sword - spada
nothing - niente
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Clicca "più" per aggiungere una parola/frase da imparare
Usiamo Google Traduttore su Speechyard. Per favore, seleziona la tua lingua.