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Welcome to paradise.
I built this little slice of heaven with my own two hands.
It's so nice. I love it.
I'll set up over there.
You have a pool table.
Yeah, I just got it re-felted. Go ahead and take her for a spin.
Hey, you like that thing, huh?
It feels like this chair is inside me, Robert.
I got it at a place called
It's like Toys "R" Us for your ass and back.
It feels like a thousand little baby wizards are massaging my ass cheeks...
with their little baby wands.
Powerful imagery, brother. I'm digging where he's coming from.
What's your poison? You down with Scotch?
- No poison. - Scotch and yes.
Scotch and yes!
We got a lot of ground to cover and we're already an hour behind.
So, why don't we just dig in?
Tell me about yourself. I know you got a wife.
Do you have any kids? How old?
Zero years old. No kids.
That's a shame.
I couldn't imagine my life without my little Chelsea.
Being a parent is...
It's unbelievable.
That's great.
Dad, can I go to a movie at 11?
Hell, no! it's a weeknight!
But Mandy and Judy are going.
Mandy's dead weight, she's a succubus. I told you that.
Dad, I'm trying to talk to you like an adult, and you just...
Don't want to listen! That's right, so skedaddle.
Get up there and do your homework.
I hate it here.
I love it here!
That's my little princess. That's my little angel.
I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to introduce you guys.
How about some drinks? Fresh horses for my men.
yourself - te stesso
years - anni
welcome - benvenuto
weeknight - notte su settimana
wands - bacchette
unbelievable - incredibile
there - là
their - loro
weight - peso
sorry - scusa
scotch - scotch
fresh - fresco
felted - infeltrita
drinks - bevande
chelsea - chelsea
massaging - massaggio
feels - si sente
cheeks - guance
chance - opportunità
slice - fetta
chair - sedia
cover - copertina
already - già
coming - venuta
going - andando
ahead - avanti
adult - adulto
behind - dietro a
digging - scavando
about - di
angel - angelo
paradise - paradiso
right - destra
thing - cosa
being - essere
trying - provare
called - chiamato
great - grande
thousand - mille
shame - vergogna
ground - terra
table - tavolo
poison - veleno
hands - mani
inside - dentro
brother - fratello
homework - compiti a casa
horses - cavalli
robert - [object Object]
imagery - immagini
wizards - maghi
without - senza
skedaddle - skedaddle
imagine - immaginare
succubus - succube
parent - genitore
introduce - introdurre
heaven - paradiso
little - piccolo
where - dove
built - costruito
mandy - mandy
movie - film
place - posto
powerful - potente
listen - ascolta
princess - principessa
relaxtheback - relaxtheback
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