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Why are you dallying?
What then? What?
Caleb? Caleb!
Stop it.
I meant no harm in it.
What's the matter with thee?
Come hither.
What's the matter with thee, eh?
I've seen no apples since we went from England.
I would thou hadst found them.
I so wish for one.
Hear that?
Who's there?
I be the Witch of the Wood!
Mercy, come out.
I be not Mercy,
I be the Witch of the Wood and I have come to steal ye.
Hear me stick a flying through the trees:
Clickety-clackity, clickety-clackity!
- Mercy! - Clickety-clackity.
Why is it when thou dost a wrong,
I be a washing Father's clothes like a slave,
- and thou art playing idle? - Because Mother hates you.
Spoilled child. I'll tell Mother you've left the farm alone.
Black Phillip saith I can do what I like.
Devil take your Black Phillip.
It's your fault I can't leave the yard.
I could go to the brook before you let The Witch take Sam.
- Quiet, thee. - It were a wolf stole Sam.
A witch. I've seen her in her riding cloak, about the wood.
- Father showed me the tracks. - It was a witch.
It was a witch, Mercy, you speak aright.
- Thomasin! - It was I.
It was I what stole him, I be the witch of the wood.
- Liar! Liar! - I am.
List not to her, Mercy.
I am that very witch.
When I sleep, my spirit slips away from my body
and dances naked with The Devil.
- That's how I signed his book. - No.
He bade me bring him an unbaptized babe,
so I stole Sam and I gave him to me master.
And I'll make any man or thing else vanish I like.
And I'll vanish thee, too, if thou displeaseth me.
- Be quiet! - Mercy, she's but telling fantasies.
Perchance I boil and bake thee since we're lack of food.
Stop, Thomasin!
- It's not true! - It is, thou thing!
How I crave to sink my teeth into thy pink flesh.
If ever thou tellst thy Mother of this,
I'll witch thee and thy Mother! And Jonas too!
Stop thy tears and swear by silence.
- I swear it. - You'll not tell Mother nor father.
- I swear. - Thomasin!
wrong - sbagliato
would - voluto
washing - lavaggio
tracks - brani
thomasin - Thomasin
thing - cosa
there - là
telling - raccontare
stick - bastone
tellst - tellst
teeth - denti
spoilled - spoilled
witch - strega
sleep - dormire
silence - silenzio
vanish - svanire
signed - firmato
trees - alberi
devil - diavolo
crave - bramare
unbaptized - non battezzato
clothes - abiti
clickety - clickety
child - bambino
cloak - mantello
aright - bene
mercy - misericordia
since - da
england - Inghilterra
could - poteva
fault - colpa
slips - scivola
flying - volante
through - attraverso
bring - portare
tears - lacrime
found - trovato
showed - ha mostrato
dallying - dallying
caleb - caleb
flesh - carne
fantasies - fantasie
swear - giurare
meant - significava
apples - mele
steal - rubare
about - di
black - nero
speak - parlare
matter - importa
because - perché
alone - da solo
jonas - jonas
brook - ruscello
leave - partire
clackity - clackity
dances - danze
displeaseth - displeaseth
before - prima
stole - ha rubato
father - padre
hadst - avevi
slave - schiavo
hates - odia
hither - qua
master - maestro
mother - madre
spirit - spirito
playing - giocando
naked - nudo
perchance - forse
phillip - phillip
riding - equitazione
quiet - silenzioso
saith - dice
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