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Hey, Lukie, I need you to do me a favor.
Not that kind of favor,
you sick.
I... I need you to write me
a prescription.
I hate to go to the doctor's office.
Those smells make me gag.
Will you do that for me?
Just for convenience sake. Please.
It's not really something
I could do, Franny.
I mean, I'm on a
pretty tight leash.
I'm kind of holding that leash.
Aren't I? Yeah.
Okay, what are you...
what are you taking?
I accidentally spilled it.
- Morphine, Franny?
- So?
Franny, I can't prescribe you this.
Why not?
I can't. Are you really
in that much pain?
I don't think you need it.
I really don't think you should be
telling me what I need, Lukie.
You know, it wasn't easy
getting you this job.
Franny... how long
have you been taking this?
I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm sorry.
No, I'm kidding.
This was all a joke, man.
It was a test. Relax, relax.
You passed the test. You did good.
I'm proud of you.
- You did that?
- No, no, no, this is good.
You are like Bobby.
Man, you are exactly like this.
He wouldn't have done it either.
No, you don't roll
over for anybody.
Not for me. Nobody.
The world needs more men like you.
Thank God I know you.
world - mondo
those - quelli
thank - ringraziare
sorry - scusa
think - pensare
something - qualcosa
should - dovrebbero
relax - rilassare
pretty - bella
exactly - di preciso
morphine - morfina
could - poteva
tight - stretto
taking - presa
really - veramente
needs - esigenze
getting - ottenere
accidentally - accidentalmente
prescribe - prescrivere
either - o
anybody - nessuno
kidding - prendendo in giro
spilled - rovesciato
franny - franny
favor - favore
bobby - poliziotto
convenience - convenienza
holding - detenzione
smells - odori
leash - guinzaglio
proud - orgoglioso
prescription - prescrizione
write - scrivi
nobody - nessuno
telling - raccontare
office - ufficio
passed - passato
lukie - lukie
please - per favore
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