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Brothers and sisters, we are gathered here today
to pay tribute to a great woman...
...Sally Walker.
And we will now be blessed with a selection from the choir
and their lead singer,
Reverend Shirley Caesar.
I got a signal. It's a miracle.
Son, if that ain't Jesus calling, shut it off.
Sorry. Go on.
cell phone's been out of range.
Has Mr. Fairchild changed his mind?
They've already started repossessing your stuff.
Not my TV!
Nothing can replace Aunt Sally!
Not my TV, not my Bose home theater system...
Let it out, son, let it out.
Keep stalling the creditors, I'll call you back.
walker - camminatore
tribute - omaggio
system - sistema
stuff - cose
started - iniziato
stalling - stallo
sisters - sorelle
singer - cantante
great - grande
creditors - creditori
range - gamma
choir - coro
changed - cambiato
calling - chiamata
blessed - benedetto
caesar - Cesare
already - già
repossessing - riappropriarsi
brothers - fratelli
their - loro
sorry - scusa
replace - sostituire
today - oggi
jesus - Gesù
miracle - miracolo
woman - donna
nothing - niente
theater - teatro
reverend - reverendo
fairchild - Fairchild
signal - segnale
sally - sortita
gathered - si riunirono
selection - selezione
shirley - shirley
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