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Gentlemen. We've got some good
news, and we've got some bad news.
The good news is
we found your Mercedes.
- That's great news.
- That's great. See?
Yeah, it's over at
impound right now.
We picked it up at 5 a.
m. this morning
...parked in the middle
of Las Vegas Boulevard.
- In the middle. That's weird.
- Yeah, that is weird.
There was also a note.
It says... "Couldn't find a meter,
but here's 4 bucks. "
The bad news is...
...we can't get you in front of a judge
until Monday morning.
that's just impossible.
No, we need to be in L. A. Tomorrow
for a wedding.
You stole a police car.
We didn't steal anything.
Um, we found it.
Yeah, if anything, we deserve a reward
or something, like a trophy.
- I see assholes like you every day.
- Every fucking day.
"Let's go to Vegas,
we'll all get drunk and laid!
Let's steal a cop car,
because it'd be really fucking funny. "
Think you gonna get away with it?
Not up in here.
- Not up in here!
- Oh.
wedding - nozze
trophy - trofeo
stole - ha rubato
think - pensare
something - qualcosa
really - veramente
officer - ufficiale
morning - mattina
found - trovato
parked - parcheggiata
deserve - meritare
every - dejte pozor
great - grande
steal - rubare
anything - qualsiasi cosa
weird - strano
judge - giudice
assholes - stronzi
monday - lunedi
because - perché
drunk - ubriaco
bucks - dollari
impossible - impossibile
picked - raccolto
boulevard - viale
right - destra
funny - divertente
mercedes - mercedes
tomorrow - domani
gentlemen - gentiluomini
gonna - andando
vegas - vegas
reward - ricompensa
police - polizia
middle - in mezzo
until - fino a
front - davanti
fucking - cazzo
impound - sequestrare
there - là
meter - metro
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