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The Kite Runner - Hassan's Letter (It)

Scena tratta dal film Il cacciatore di aquiloni
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    In the name of God,
    the merciful, the compassionate,

    Amir agha, with my deepest respects.

    My wife and son and I
    pray this letter finds you in fine health,

    and in the light of God's good graces.

    I'm hopeful that one day I will hold
    one of your letters in my hands

    and read of your life in America.

    I am trying to learn English.
    It's such a tricky language.

    But one day, agha. I miss your stories.

    I've included a picture of me
    and my son, Sohrab.

    He's a good boy.

    Rahim Khan and I
    taught him how to read and write,

    so he doesn't grow up
    stupid like his father.

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