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I would like to take a closer look
at your bowls.
- My what?
- Your bowls.
I would like to take a closer
look at your big brass bowls.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
Han Dynasty.
Very rare. Beautiful.
I see you have an eye
for antiques, inspector.
Some here are real
and some are copies.
I'm sure you can tell
which are which.
Second century. Very rare.
One should always handle
an antique vase from the inside.
Otherwise the oil from the hands
can damage the patina.
Oh. Pure alabaster. Lovely.
That's odd. What I did,
I went like this, and then...
This is weird.
Why did you take out
a life-insurance policy on Gluant?
The insurance company won't pay
unless the murderer is caught.
And if it turns out to be me,
they won't pay at all.
Do you understand?
But you stood to gain
from Gluant's death, didn't you?
Gain? What would I gain?
Gluant's share of the restaurants.
Oh, the restaurants
were a disaster.
Gluant was siphoning money out
faster than it came in.
My only consolation was he'd lose
the money gambling in my casino.
But after a while his losses
became so ridiculous,
he promised me his ring
as collateral.
Someone had words
with Gluant
the night before he was killed.
- Didn't you?
- No.
You didn't threaten to break his legs
and then crush him into powder?
Perhaps I saw that on TV.
Well, I can certainly think
of a better place for this.
That's my personalized
cell-phone tone ring.
Yes, this is Inspector--
Yes, I could meet you.
In the restaurant?
Yes, of course. Right away.
Gentlemen, something has come up.
Please excuse me.
ls this vase of great value?
It is a worthless imitation.
But that desk was...
would - voluto
while - mentre
value - valore
understand - capire
threaten - minacciare
which - quale
think - pensare
stood - sorgeva
words - parole
share - condividere
weird - strano
ridiculous - ridicolo
restaurant - ristorante
promised - promesso
priceless - inestimabile
powder - polvere
please - per favore
place - posto
personalized - personalizzato
perhaps - forse
unless - salvo che
otherwise - altrimenti
antiques - antiquariato
dynasty - dinastia
collateral - collaterale
right - destra
certainly - certamente
break - rompere
restaurants - ristoranti
could - poteva
company - azienda
always - sempre
consolation - consolazione
phone - telefono
handle - maniglia
became - [object Object]
damage - danno
night - notte
casino - casinò
policy - politica
brass - ottone
antique - antico
worthless - senza valore
crush - schiacciare
after - dopo
century - secolo
copies - copie
faster - più veloce
gluant - gluant
bowls - ciotole
death - morte
beautiful - bellissimo
someone - qualcuno
imitation - imitazione
before - prima
closer - più vicino
murderer - assassino
second - secondo
better - meglio
course - corso
disaster - disastro
great - grande
lovely - bello
excuse - scusa
gambling - gioco d'azzardo
gentlemen - gentiluomini
hands - mani
something - qualcosa
inside - dentro
caught - catturato
hello - ciao
inspector - ispettore
turns - giri
alabaster - alabastro
insurance - assicurazione
should - dovrebbero
killed - ucciso
patina - patina
losses - perdite
thank - ringraziare
siphoning - sifonamento
money - i soldi
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