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The Pink Panther - Big Brass Balls (It)

Scena tratta dal film La pantera rosa
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    Categoria: Comedy
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    I would like to take a closer look
    at your bowls.

    - My what?
    - Your bowls.

    I would like to take a closer
    look at your big brass bowls.

    - Okay.
    - Thank you.

    Han Dynasty.
    Very rare. Beautiful.

    I see you have an eye
    antiques, inspector.

    Some here are real
    and some are copies.

    I'm sure you can tell
    which are which.

    Second century. Very rare.

    One should always handle
    an antique vase from the inside.

    Otherwise the oil from the hands
    can damage the patina.

    Oh. Pure alabaster. Lovely.

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