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I'm glad we caught you at home
Could we use your phone?
- We're both in a bit of a hurry
- Right
We'll just say where we are
- Then go back to the car
- A pleasure to meet you, Dr. Furter
We don't want to be any worry
Well, you got caught with a flat
Well, how about that
Well, babies, don't you panic
By the light of the night
It'll all seem all right
I'll get you a satanic mechanic
I'm just a sweet transvestite
From Transsexual Transylvania
Why don't you stay for the night
- Night
- Or maybe a bite. Bite
I could show you
My favorite obsession
I've been making a man
With blond hair and a tan
And he's good for relieving
My tension
I'm just a sweet transvestite
From Transsexual Transylvania
- I'm just a sweet transvestite
- Sweet transvestite
From Transsexual Transylvania
So come up to the lab
And see what's on the slab
I see you shiver
With anticipation
But maybe the rain
Is really to blame
So I'll remove the cause
But not the symptom
worry - preoccupazione
transylvania - transilvania
transvestite - travestito
tension - tensione
symptom - sintomo
right - destra
shiver - brivido
remove - rimuovere
cause - causa
anticipation - anticipazione
favorite - favorito
blond - biondo
night - notte
satanic - satanico
pleasure - piacere
sweet - dolce
furter - furter
could - poteva
babies - bambini
light - leggero
about - di
panic - panico
where - dove
blame - colpa
hurry - fretta
making - fabbricazione
caught - catturato
obsession - ossessione
really - veramente
transsexual - transessuale
maybe - può essere
relieving - alleviando
mechanic - kliknij słowo lub podświetl zwrot, על ידי zegaczyć jło tłumaczenie.
phone - telefono
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