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Okay, Freddy, that was awesome.
You're rocking,
but it's a little sloppy-Joe.
Tighten up the screws, okay?
Zack, dude,
what's up with the stiffness, man?
You're looking a little robotronic. Okay?
Let's grease up the hinges, and listen,
loosey-goosey, baby, loosey-goosey.
I'm just playing it
the way you told me.
I know. And you know what? It's perfect.
But the thing is rock is about the
passion, man. Where's the joy?
You're the lead guitarist. And we are
counting on you for some style, brother.
So try this out. This is an ancient
technique. It's called "power stance".
That's it. Power stance.
You own the universe.
Now, give me an E chord. Just go. . .
But let me hear. . .
Yeah, now raise your
goblet of rock.
It's a toast to those who rock.
Now smile and nod your head
and let me see your eyeballs wide
like there's something wrong. Yeah!
Do it again. Give me that. . .
That's what I'm talking about.
Okay, let's do it again.
From "You're not hardcore".
One, two, three.
- You're not hardcore
- No, you're not hardcore
And the legend of the rent
was way hardcore
Yeah! Now we're rocking.
Your homework is to listen
to some real music. Get inspired.
For Blondie, Blondie.
For Lawrence, Yes.
That's the name of the band.
Listen to the keyboard solo
on Roundabout.
It will blow the classical music
out your butt.
Okay, for you, Rush, 2112.
Neil Peart, one of the great drummers
of all time. Study up.
Are we gonna be goofing off
like this every day?
We're not goofing off. We're
creating musical fusion.
Are we gonna be creating
musical fusion every day?
Yeah. Get used to it.
universe - universo
toast - crostini
tighten - serrare
three - tre
those - quelli
stance - posizione
something - qualcosa
sloppy - sciatto
every - dejte pozor
goosey - Goosey
great - grande
fusion - fusione
guitarist - chitarrista
study - studia
drummers - batteristi
again - ancora
freddy - freddy
hardcore - Hardcore
creating - la creazione di
goblet - calice
chord - accordo
talking - parlando
about - di
little - piccolo
counting - conteggio
stiffness - rigidezza
eyeballs - bulbi oculari
wrong - sbagliato
ancient - antico
technique - tecnica
blondie - bionda
called - chiamato
thing - cosa
awesome - eccezionale
listen - ascolta
hinges - cerniere
brother - fratello
homework - compiti a casa
grease - grasso
lawrence - lawrence
roundabout - rotatoria
inspired - ispirato
legend - leggenda
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
style - stile
goofing - goofing
perfect - perfezionare
keyboard - tastiera
loosey - loosey
music - musica
gonna - andando
rocking - a dondolo
smile - sorriso
passion - passione
peart - peart
musical - musicale
playing - giocando
power - energia
raise - aumentare
classical - classico
robotronic - Robotronic
screws - viti
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