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The School of Rock - Creating Musical Fusion (It)

Scena tratta dal film School of Rock
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    Categoria: Musical
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    Okay, Freddy, that was awesome.

    You're rocking,
    but it's a little sloppy-Joe.

    Tighten up the screws, okay?

    Zack, dude,
    what's up with the stiffness, man?

    You're looking a little robotronic. Okay?

    Let's grease up the hinges, and listen,

    loosey-goosey, baby, loosey-goosey.

    I'm just playing it
    the way you told me.

    I know. And you know what? It's perfect.

    But the thing is rock is about the
    passion, man. Where's the joy?

    You're the lead guitarist. And we are
    counting on you for some style, brother.

    So try this out. This is an ancient
    technique. It's called "power stance".

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