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Well, I guess you're... feeling a lot of...
feelings, uh, right now. It's fresh.
That's the funny thing, actually. I really don't.
Don't what?
Feel anything.
Like, you're numb?
Like you don't have any negative feelings...
Like I don't have any feelings, ever.
- Sure, you do. - I mean...
sometimes I feel hungry or tired.
But, like, joy, guilt?
I really don't have any of those.
I don't understand.
Yeah, it's hard to explain. It's really only recently
that I've been able to admit it to myself.
Because I've gotten so good at watching
and imitating other people's emotions that I sort of
tricked myself into believing I have them,
but I don't.
So that's a, um...
A what?
A disorder or something?
Well, the shrink would sure like it to be.
First it was borderline personality,
then severe depression, yesterday...
she said it was antisocial with...
schizoid tendency.
She's basically just...
flipping to random pages of the DSM-5 and...
throwing medications at me.
But I have a perfectly healthy brain.
It just doesn't contain feelings.
And that doesn't necessarily make me a bad person.
It just means I have to work a little harder
than everyone else to be good.
- Two hours? - Yeah.
Glad you set an alarm to make sure
we didn't hang out longer than intended.
Oh, no... I mean, it...
You know, I have my mom's email password.
- Sorry? - It means I read her inbox daily.
I saw your thread with her.
How she had to bump up from a hundred
to two hundred an hour to get you to do this.
Just next time, don't say you're not charging.
She was desperate to set up a playdate, by the way.
She's been trying for two weeks.
You could have gotten five hundred out of her
if you'd stood pat.
weeks - settimane
watching - guardando
understand - capire
tricked - ingannato
tired - stanco
throwing - lancio
those - quelli
tendency - tendenza
stood - sorgeva
sorry - scusa
sometimes - a volte
something - qualcosa
shrink - contrarsi
thing - cosa
severe - grave
random - casuale
playdate - Playdate
person - persona
perfectly - perfettamente
password - parola d'ordine
pages - pagine
necessarily - necessariamente
email - e-mail
right - destra
harder - più forte
feeling - sensazione
disorder - disturbo
desperate - disperato
personality - personalità
daily - quotidiano
medications - farmaci
antisocial - antisociale
guilt - colpa
could - poteva
little - piccolo
contain - contenere
admit - ammettere
trying - provare
alarm - allarme
schizoid - schizoide
believing - credendo
flipping - flipping
emotions - emozioni
brain - cervello
borderline - di confine
charging - ricarica
anything - qualsiasi cosa
healthy - salutare
feelings - sentimenti
inbox - Posta in arrivo
explain - spiegare
basically - fondamentalmente
other - altro
gotten - ottenuto
myself - me stessa
because - perché
yesterday - ieri
first - primo
hours - ore
would - voluto
fresh - fresco
funny - divertente
depression - depressione
intended - destinato
actually - in realtà
hundred - centinaio
recently - recentemente
guess - indovina
hungry - affamato
imitating - imitando
longer - più a lungo
really - veramente
everyone - tutti
means - si intende
thread - filo
negative - negativo
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