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- What?
- If I asked you to stay in the car, would you?
Of course not.
Charlie said you left town.
Yeah. To visit my mom. Why?
He's checking to see if you're still human.
Look, I'm here to warn you.
If your kind come on our land again...
Wait, what?
You didn't tell her?
Just leave it alone, Jacob.
Tell me what?
Emmett and Paul had a misunderstanding.
It's nothing to worry about.
Listen to you.
Did you lie to get her out of town, too?
You should leave. Now.
She has a right to know.
She is the one the redhead wants.
Victoria? Alice's vision.
I was trying to protect you.
By lying to me.
Okay, we're gonna talk about this, but...
Why haven't you called me back?
I had nothing to say.
- Well, I have tons. Hold on.
- Hey. Bella.
Edward, you have to trust me.
I do trust you.
It's him I don't trust.
Hey, lose the grin, Jacob.
We're just going for a ride.
Hold on tight.
would - voluto
visit - visita
vision - visione
victoria - Vittoria
trust - fiducia
tight - stretto
right - destra
checking - verifica
called - chiamato
course - corso
wants - vuole
edward - edward
jacob - Giacobbe
trying - provare
bella - bella
leave - partire
about - di
still - ancora
again - ancora
worry - preoccupazione
charlie - charlie
asked - chiesto
emmett - Emmett
alone - da solo
redhead - testa rossa
nothing - niente
human - umano
going - andando
gonna - andando
listen - ascolta
lying - dire bugie
misunderstanding - malinteso
should - dovrebbero
protect - proteggere
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