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- Hey, how you doin'? - Who are you?
I'm your Uncle Buck.
- Do I have an uncle? - Unfortunately.
Holy smokes!
He's cooking our garbage.
Hey, where's your sister and...
- Her name is Maizy - Maizy
for the second time.
You must be hungry.
Just for you.
Oh, my God! He put onions in the eggs.
I'm gonna go check on Maizy.
I'll fix you some cereal when I get back.
- Can I ask you something? - What?
Is your sister always this pleasant?
No, she's usually in a bad mood in the morning.
Do you want knots in your hair? Cut it out.
- I want Mom to do it. - Mom's not here.
- She is too. - No, she's not.
- She and Dad went to Indianapolis. - They did not.
- Okay, they didn't. - They did?
Yes. And I'm taking care of you.
But you can't drive.
- Where do you live? - In the city.
- Do you have a house? - Apartment.
- What do you do for a living? - Lots of things.
- Where's your office? - I don't have one.
- How come? - I don't need one.
- Where's your wife? - Don't have one.
- How come? - It's a long story.
- Do you have kids? - No, I don't.
- How come? - It's an even longer story.
Are you my dad's brother?
What's your record for consecutive questions asked?
- Thirty-eight. - I'm your dad's brother, all right.
You have much more hair in your nose than my dad.
- How nice of you to notice. - I'm a kid. That's my job.
where - dove
unfortunately - purtroppo
uncle - zio
taking - presa
usually - generalmente
things - cose
something - qualcosa
smokes - fumi
second - secondo
right - destra
questions - le domande
consecutive - consecutivo
maizy - Maizy
check - dai un'occhiata
record - disco
cereal - cereale
apartment - appartamento
brother - fratello
gonna - andando
sister - sorella
cooking - cucinando
asked - chiesto
pleasant - piacevole
knots - nodi
thirty - trenta
garbage - spazzatura
house - casa
hungry - affamato
notice - Avviso
story - storia
onions - cipolle
indianapolis - indianapolis
living - vita
always - sempre
longer - più a lungo
drive - guidare
morning - mattina
eight - otto
office - ufficio
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