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Waitress - Strange Medicine (It)

Scena tratta dal film Ricette d'amore
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    Well, what?

    Nothing. Um, you can go now.

    I'll see you at your next regularly
    scheduled appointment, and again, don't

    - To call you if I have any questions or concerns.
    - Exactly.

    Why'd you have me come
    all the way in here

    if spotting's a perfectly normal
    symptom in early pregnancy?

    I mean, I... I had to get up early,
    take a bus, walk five blocks,

    just to hear that spotting
    is a perfectly normal symptom?

    I have no response to that.

    And what time does this office
    normally open, Doctor, 8:30?

    - Nine o'clock.
    - Nine o'clock?

    So-So you came in here two hours
    early just to tell me

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