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It's heavier than it looks.
- I know your little secret, Pesto. - Oh!
- I know exactly what's going on. - Your Lordship...
Oh, yes. You think you can pilfer my filly, don't you?
You think you can con an innocent woman out of her fortune?
Who, me?
Well, I got here first!
I've spent a long time reeling in
that fluffy-headed bunny-lover.
And I'm not about to let some puddle-headed peasant poach her from me.
- Comprenez? - Oh, uh, right-o.
I'll be off then. Ta-ta.
You're not going anywhere, Pesto.
Not until I've taught you a jolly good lesson.
Come on! Queensberry rules!
Put 'em up, ya little pipsqueak.
You're shaking.
Don't tell me you're a scaredy-cat as well as a scoundrel.
And don't think acting like a big girl's blouse will get you out of it.
There's no mercy with Victor Quartermaine.
What the dickens?
What on earth...?
Phillip! Attack! Attack!
woman - donna
victor - vincitore
taught - insegnato
spent - speso
shaking - tremante
scoundrel - farabutto
scaredy - scaredy
right - destra
reeling - trattura
poach - cuocere in camicia
pipsqueak - mezzacartuccia
pilfer - rubacchiare
phillip - phillip
until - fino a
pesto - pesto
lover - amante
attack - attacco
puddle - pozzanghera
blouse - camicetta
filly - puledra
exactly - di preciso
about - di
first - primo
lordship - signoria
bunny - coniglietto
earth - terra
little - piccolo
mercy - misericordia
dickens - diavolo
anywhere - dovunque
acting - recitazione
think - pensare
jolly - gioviale
fluffy - soffice
fortune - fortuna
going - andando
peasant - contadino
headed - intestata
rules - regole
heavier - più pesante
looks - sembra
innocent - innocente
secret - segreto
lesson - lezione
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