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I appreciate you coming this morning.
- Coffee will be ready in a couple of minutes. - Oh, sounds good.
Now I ran a sales report from the area.
I wrote down a suggested asking price for the house.
Well, what do you think?
Now, what did you say your husband did for a living?
Well, we actually haven't talked about that, but...
he's a sales rep for Brightwell Pharmaceuticals.
And where did you say you attended church?
Well, we occasionally attend Riverdale Community.
So you would say you know the Lord.
Yes! I would say I know the Lord.
You think the Lord is okay with this asking price?
And you have children?
Ms. Clara, my husband, Tony, and I have been married for 16 years.
We have one daughter. Her name is Danielle and she's 10.
She enjoys pop music and ice cream and jumping rope.
Well, that... that's good to know.
Now, you say you attend church occasionally.
Is that because your pastor only preaches occasionally?
Ms. Clara, I really would like to help you sell your house.
That's why I'm here.
As far as my faith is concerned, I believe in God, just like most people.
He's very important to me.
Well, let me get our coffee.
So, if I asked you what your prayer life was like,
would you say that it was hot or cold?
I don't know that I would say it's hot.
I mean, we're like most people. We have full schedules. We work.
But I... I would consider myself a spiritual person.
I'm not hot, but I'm not cold either.
Just, you know, somewhere in the middle.
Here you go.
- I've got cream or sugar if you need. - Oh, no, thank you.
I like it black.
Ms. Clara, you like your coffee room temperature?
No, baby, mine's hot.
years - anni
wrote - ha scritto
would - voluto
where - dove
think - pensare
thank - ringraziare
temperature - temperatura
sugar - zucchero
somewhere - da qualche parte
schedules - orari
sales - i saldi
really - veramente
couple - coppia
important - importante
consider - prendere in considerazione
attended - frequentato
community - comunità
actually - in realtà
church - chiesa
attend - assistere
brightwell - brightwell
believe - credere
spiritual - spirituale
asked - chiesto
prayer - preghiera
appreciate - apprezzare
clara - clara
people - persone
about - di
black - nero
asking - chiede
children - bambini
coffee - caffè
danielle - danielle
cream - crema
riverdale - riverdale
faith - fede
daughter - figlia
either - o
living - vita
pastor - pastore
enjoys - gode
house - casa
suggested - suggerito
married - sposato
concerned - ha riguardato
jumping - salto
preaches - predica
middle - in mezzo
minutes - minuti
morning - mattina
music - musica
talked - parlato
coming - venuta
because - perché
myself - me stessa
sounds - suoni
occasionally - di tanto in tanto
husband - marito
pharmaceuticals - prodotti farmaceutici
report - rapporto
person - persona
price - prezzo
ready - pronto
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