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I want a talk show with me as the host.
Okay. Well, it wouldn't be our
first foray into vanity programming.
That's true. Last year
we did that hobby show.
I think Alice wants
to take over for Oprah.
- Good deal.
- That's crazy.
So, you want to talk
about current events?
- A show with guests and do interviews?
- No.
- What kind of stuff do you want to talk about?
- Me.
I'm still not getting
what the show is going to be.
Let me, Deb.
Alice directing, shooting, editing,
sets, costume design,
- hair and makeup.
- I want all that.
All these things add up to making,
creating your own show extremely expensive.
Yeah, particularly when you're not
offsetting those costs
with income from selling products.
- Are we talking about a half hour or...
- Two hours.
- How much would that cost?
- Two hours?
You're looking at $100,000 an episode.
I'd say more like 150.
And that times a hundred would be...
That's fifteen million dollars.
My business stuff.
Oh, and I want to come in
on a swan boat.
would - voluto
vanity - vanità
going - andando
fifteen - quindici
episode - episodio
events - eventi
editing - la modifica
costs - costi
foray - incursione
business - attività commerciale
hours - ore
products - produkty
selling - vendita
current - attuale
first - primo
alice - alice
dollars - dollari
crazy - pazzo
getting - ottenere
making - fabbricazione
creating - la creazione di
those - quelli
guests - ospiti
times - volte
million - milione
design - design
extremely - estremamente
directing - orientamento
hobby - passatempo
expensive - costoso
hundred - centinaio
offsetting - compensazione
income - reddito
interviews - interviste
makeup - trucco
still - ancora
costume - costume
stuff - cose
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
oprah - oprah
programming - programmazione
particularly - soprattutto
shooting - tiro
about - di
talking - parlando
these - queste
things - cose
wants - vuole
think - pensare
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