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- There were no nuclear weapons in Iran. - But there will be.
The Middle East is our last war.
It will be us or them.
I choose that Kevin Charles Walker will be the last American soldier
to die in that conflict in vain.
You want that as your son's legacy? Murdering millions of people in his name?
Mr. President, I wish the pen were mightier than the sword, I do.
But it's just a dream. Stand up, sir.
History will judge who the true patriots were here today.
I've been standing up, Martin, and I'm not gonna open that.
Martin, that's not necessary.
How about now?
I can't open this for him.
If I do, millions of people are gonna die, you understand that?
I understand.
God damn it!
Tyler, what the hell is going on?
We got thermal alarms going off in the second-floor dining room,
the West Sitting Hall, and the president's bedroom.
Killick, he's trying to burn the place down. Second floor. Send your men.
Tyler? Turn off the goddamn sprinklers!
Who makes this shit?
What was that?
I've been waiting all day to kill you.
Stop hurting my White House!
German mantle clock. Empire style.
weapons - armi
walker - camminatore
waiting - in attesa
tyler - Tyler
trying - provare
history - storia
german - tedesco
gonna - andando
killick - killick
going - andando
president - presidente
goddamn - dannazione
charles - charles
bedroom - camera da letto
floor - pavimento
alarms - allarmi
american - americano
white - bianca
clock - orologio
kevin - kevin
house - casa
thermal - termico
about - di
martin - balestruccio
choose - scegliere
conflict - conflitto
dining - cenare
dream - sognare
legacy - eredità
judge - giudice
necessary - necessario
millions - milioni
empire - impero
style - stile
makes - fa
mantle - mantello
place - posto
middle - in mezzo
mightier - più potente
murdering - assassinio
nuclear - nucleare
standing - in piedi
patriots - patrioti
sword - spada
people - persone
today - oggi
second - secondo
sitting - seduta
there - là
hurting - male
soldier - soldato
sprinklers - irrigatori
understand - capire
stand - stare in piedi
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