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Don't do it.
Don't do what?
Don't wish what you're thinking.
You don't know what I'm thinking.
Yeah, well, I can tell it ain't good.
Listen. No matter how good an idea seems like when you're angry it never is.
You gotta trust me on this one, Walter.
What'd you wish for?
- I can't tell you. - Tell me.
No, you know the rules about wishing. lf I told you, it won't...
Tell me what you wished for.
Get off me.
Danny! Danny!
The card worked.
Yeah. It worked, congratulations.
We're stuck in space now forever.
Leave him alone.
What did you wish for?
- This. - You wished for a football?
Signed by Brett Favre.
Why'd you wish for a football?
You could have just wished the game over.
You could have wished us out of here.
I was under a lot of pressure. He was yelling at me.
Why were you yelling at him?
Okay, guys. Here's the thing.
I've played this game before.
Okay? I played it with my own brother fifteen years ago.
- You're a player? - Yeah. Just like you guys.
We were fighting a lot back then.
And when the game started, it got even worse.
Every time we spun, we got madder and madder at one another.
And then I landed on the star space, the same one that Walter just landed on.
Well, I was so mad at him, that when the star passed I made my wish.
What'd you wish for?
I wished that my brother had never been born.
Oh, my God.
Soon as I did it, I felt horrible.
Thought, you know, if I could spin again maybe I...
I could ... I could land on another star space and... And wish him back. But...
But the game wouldn't let me because it wasn't my turn.
Walter, there are some games you can't play alone.
yelling - urlare
years - anni
worse - peggio
worked - lavorato
wishing - desiderando
gotta - devo
again - ancora
brother - fratello
listen - ascolta
matter - importa
under - sotto
football - calcio
danny - danny
angry - arrabbiato
could - poteva
alone - da solo
landed - atterrato
favre - favre
about - di
another - un altro
before - prima
fifteen - quindici
player - giocatore
rules - regole
leave - partire
wished - desiderato
every - dejte pozor
because - perché
horrible - orribile
thought - pensato
forever - per sempre
thing - cosa
congratulations - complimenti
madder - robbia
maybe - può essere
never - mai
passed - passato
played - giocato
games - i giochi
trust - fiducia
pressure - pressione
seems - sembra
signed - firmato
space - spazio
fighting - combattente
thinking - pensiero
brett - brett
started - iniziato
stuck - incollato
walter - walter
there - là
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