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Pronuncia di chance in Inglese

  • possibilità
  • caso
  • occasione
  • probabilità
  • azzardo
  • fortuna
  • rischio
  • sorte
  • ventura
  • avvenimento fortuito
  • momento fortuito
  • rischiare
  • accadere
  • azzardare
  • casuale
  • fortuito
  • occasionale
  • accidentale

Esempi dai film con Chance

Why didn't you just cut me up alive when you had the chance?
Crank - Some Pills
When you use anesthesia, there is a chance, although it is small,
Ghost Town - You Died
...but it's a chance to pull out a piece of living history...
Fool's Gold - Hey Babe!
See, I never saw your unit. I gave you a chance and you didn't deliver.
My Best Friend's Girl - A Dissatisfied Customer
But, in all honesty, if I had the chance, I'd do it again.
The Bucket List - Find the Joy
Is there any chance that you might be able to come and...
Sex Tape - Who Else Has These Things?
I had the chance to figure it out myself
Frailty - A Vision From God
And you're gonna give the new school a chance, all right?
A Better Life - A Reason to Live
All right, now, let's give Ben a chance for some extra credit, shall we?
21 - Ben Campbell amazing answer
And you are given a chance to choose from three different doors, all right?
21 - Ben Campbell amazing answer
I had a 33.3% chance of choosing right.
21 - Ben Campbell amazing answer
Frank, this is your last chance. Fire.
Red 2 - Kill Him
And this girl who took a chance on me
Man Up - F*** the Past
wanted me to take a chance on her, but
Man Up - F*** the Past
They never stood a chance against my beautiful Reggie.
Legend - Bar Beatdown
I know that these days not everybody gets a second chance.
Cinderella Man - Fighting for Milk
Even if the first date is a disaster, I'll give it another chance.
Brooklyn - I Wanna Ask You Something
It's my chance to finally do some work that shall mean something.
Birdman - Relevant
I'm just saying, buddy, give me a chance.
That's My Boy - Worst Dad Ever
A chance to live the good life and meet the man of their dreams.
Predestination - Tourist

Pronuncia audio di Chance

Pronuncia americana

Chance pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Chance pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Chance pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Chance pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Chance pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Chance pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Chance pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Chance pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Chance pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Chance pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Chance pronunciato da Brian (uomo)