Impara il vero inglese da film e libri.

Aggiungi parole o frasi per imparare ed esercitati con altri studenti.


Pronuncia di course in Inglese

  • campo
  • percorso
  • rotta
  • decorso
  • portata
  • andamento
  • linea
  • direzione
  • via
  • pista
  • circuito
  • procedimento
  • il fluire
  • fluire

Esempi dai film con Course

Assuming, of course, that you've been there.
Life of Crime - A New Plan
But, you know, Ken, isn't it a win just to get on the course at all?
Spare Parts - The Competition Begins
Of course, the real secret of Mrs. Simpson's appeal
Hitchcock - Only Suggesting Nudity
But of course, having you in the shower...
Hitchcock - Only Suggesting Nudity
...and of course, my red-hot smoking wife, Carley...
Talladega Nights - Dear Lord Baby Jesus
Of course I'm hitting you with a closed fist! This is a fight!
Here Comes the Boom - Weirdest Date Ever
But the silver lining of this cloud, of course, is that...
Best in Show - American Bitch
- That's where I would put it! - Right. Of course you would.
As Above, So Below - The Catacombs
Of course it's me! You can't say that. You're breaking up with me!
Friends with Benefits - Two Break-Ups
- Maybe. - What do you mean maybe? Of course it is.
Saw - It Was Tapp
Four days of pain and courage, but I emerged victorious, of course.
The Foot Fist Way - Ju-jitsu Sucks
You think I'm playing games, here? 'Course it matters.
Gone Baby Gone - Do You Even Give a F***?

Pronuncia audio di Course

Pronuncia americana

Course pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Course pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Course pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Course pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Course pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Course pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Course pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Course pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Course pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Course pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Course pronunciato da Brian (uomo)