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Pronuncia di drink in Inglese

  • drink
  • bevanda
  • bibita
  • bevuta
  • consumare

Esempi dai film con Drink

Never drink to feel better. Only drink to feel even better.
How Do You Know - Father's Rule On Drinking drink can give you a little better perspective.
How Do You Know - Father's Rule On Drinking
Look, if you wanna have a drink, you should just have a drink.
How Do You Know - Father's Rule On Drinking
Yeah. Well, that guy said he was going for a drink.
The Nice Guys - Cold Coffee
I sought to drink first at the well, before the slaves in my charge,
Hail, Caesar! - Got Most Of It
You drink? I don't remember if you drink.
The Gambler - You Drink?
Course, there's drink, and drink.
The Gambler - You Drink?
I drink. But I haven't been drunk since Reagan was president.
The Gambler - You Drink?
Yeah. I don't know if I'm an alcoholic, really. I just drink. I drink a lot.
Smashed - Kate's AA Speech
It just seems like every time I drink, something awful happens and then...
Smashed - Kate's AA Speech
Aren't you going to ask for my ID? I might not be old enough to drink.
Passengers - Did You Wake Me Up?
This is a perfect birthday drink. Thank you.
Passengers - Did You Wake Me Up?
Are you not having a little something to drink?
Mortdecai - Feel Me
No, I never drink alcohol. I don't like to blunt my senses.
Mortdecai - Feel Me
- if it's my... - "I don't eat this. I don't drink that.
Phantom Thread - Back to Where You Came From
I have all the cream I can drink and all the mice I can chase.
Shrek Forever After - Puss Let Himself Go
Now, mix this... this powder in a broth and make him drink it.
The Secret of NIMH - Medicine from Mr. Ages

Pronuncia audio di Drink

Pronuncia americana

Drink pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Drink pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Drink pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Drink pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Drink pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Drink pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Drink pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Drink pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Drink pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Drink pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Drink pronunciato da Brian (uomo)