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Pronuncia di game in Inglese

  • partita
  • selvaggina
  • cacciagione
  • caccia
  • mano
  • scherzo
  • tranello
  • pronto

Esempi dai film con Game

Best you remember who'd you cheat out of fifty dollars in a card game!
The Magnificent Seven - Farraday's Magic Trick
Your grandma always thought that game was my idea.
Take Me to the River - It Wasn't My Idea
We should play a board game! Families play board games.
The Visit - Those Aren't Your Grandparents
They work in their secure cubicles, essentially playing a video game.
Drone - The Talk
The only difference is in this video game the victims are real.
Drone - The Talk
I don't have a game tonight.
Summer Catch - Lawn Girl
Playing this crooked game in this crooked town
Atomic Blonde - Truth and Lies
- You ever think about gettin' out the game? - No.
Keanu - We Killed 'Em Together
You think if I get out the game, niggas gonna stop
Keanu - We Killed 'Em Together
La Belote, the game is to get the highest number of points.
By the Sea - Are You Trying to Destroy Us?
We ended up together because I get crippled in the game tonight.
Touchback - Stop Talking
You could have just wished the game over.
Zathura - Wishing Star
I've played this game before.
Zathura - Wishing Star
And when the game started, it got even worse.
Zathura - Wishing Star
But the game wouldn't let me because it wasn't my turn.
Zathura - Wishing Star
It's tickets to tonight's NBA playoff game...
Daddy's Home - It's a Pony!
Then you two can work yourselves up to a wild game of post office.
Yours, Mine and Ours - Monkey in the Middle

Pronuncia audio di Game

Pronuncia americana

Game pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Game pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Game pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Game pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Game pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Game pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Game pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Game pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Game pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Game pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Game pronunciato da Brian (uomo)